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費城工會隊—華盛頓特區聯隊(Philly Union vs. DC United
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年04月11日16:39:40 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        For the past three games, we have either tied or totally wrecked the other team. But today, it was our turn on the chopping block. DC United has never given the opponent team any hope of winning by now. They had no mercy at all. In fact, our Philadelphia Union was sort of scared by them.

        First off, DC United looked intimidating. Their sizes gave the feeling that we were boys playing men's game. Speaking off their size, they were all at least a few inches taller, and those few inches made a giant difference in the game. They controlled everything in the air. And most importantly, with a longer body, they kicked harder. We couldn't do anything when they got the ball of the half-field and let it rip. DC Unite weren't just strong, but also fast. How fast? Well, fast enough to run circles around us. So the only logical thing to do was to stay near the goal. The game so far wasn't going so well.

        At half time, we were losing 2-3. Coach Nathan made a few tactical adjustments to our offense. So we looked at our advantages. We might not have many, but nothing is perfect, even DC United. He put the fastest people on offense as usual. Except when we got the ball, the mid-fielders would take it and boot it up the field. DC United might be big. But the bigger, the slower. We were certainly faster than them. So we took this weakness and exploited it, making it their downfall. That's how we managed to grab two goals. That's when our team collapsed.

        I was put in a striker for a little. As our team booted the ball up field, I chased after it and the ref blew the whistle for offside. I looked at the ref as if he was delusional, because there was a defender between me and the goal. Then everything fell apart. After the ball was kicked back onto our side of the field for the like one billionth time, Ameer got his hands on the ball. Because the whole enormous blood-thirsty DC United was rampaging down the field right at him, Ameer kicked the ball...... right into the goal. And that seemed to be the end for us. Three minutes later, the score was 7-4 DC United.

        Just like that. Just like that with just a bad call, the game turned around. Sometimes a small thing may result in a different result.







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