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Fiery Dinner @ Bamboo Szechuan, PA(宾州蜀苑麻辣晚宴)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月11日16:47:00 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        I love spicy Chinese food. It fills me in warmth and melts away any of my worries. I could just feel the spice burn the mouth with flavor. But there's a catch. Oh, yes, a very big catch. Sometimes, I overestimate my limits and somewhat burn my mouth. So I must eat at my own risk. Other than that, I didn't care about the burn in the food.

        With that said, Mom and I had a dinner with a bunch of friends from Guanghua Chinese School at Bamboo, a Szechuan restaurant in PA this Sunday. Szechuan has the best type of spice, and it is hot. Unfortunately, not everyone eats the hot food. I mean, come on, there's an 8-year old girl named Katie who ate anything but spicy food.

        Spice tasted really bad to her. When the first dish "Homemade Spicy Beef Jerky" appeared on the table, Katie got hold of it first. She was also the first to scream. The sound sliced through the air like a knife through butter and she spit the food out as if it was poisonous. And she sat there for 10 minutes, with her arms crossed, rejecting any comment that came in her way.

        Meanwhile, I was digging into my plate and the heaps of food appearing on the table. As soon as one plate of food was finished, two more filled its place. So I just kept chewing down stuff as fast as stomach would let me. I went on this pace up for about three minutes, and at the end, my insides were stuffed from top to bottom. Uhh, that felt great. The fiery intensity of the hot food was still tingling my tongue.

        Eventually, Katie got a plate of fried green beans as expected and she turned out all right. The rest of the night was filled with laughter and chatting. It looked absolutely awesome. At last, when everyone had eaten all that stomach could tolerate, and goodbyes where said, I thought, maybe next time, I should just stick to eating spice food slowly.







09-08-07_ Neshaminy Creek @ Tyler PA SP0001.JPG

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