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Renaissance Faire(文藝復興節)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年04月11日16:56:17 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        The perfect place to travel to the past, well, without traveling to the past is the Renaissance Faire in PA. It's a place where the year turns to 1525 and everyone is doing what everybody would do in the 16th century. Today, as a traditional 6th grade field trip, I would venture to the past for a day and discover how different life looked like back then.

        To start, the Renaissance Faire is not present day and you wouldn't find Macy's in the fair. All the workers dressed in costume and had a role. While they played their parts, we had ours to play as well. So when a knight or baron saw us, he would welcome us formally as if we were royalty or something special. That's exactly how we were treated. It was the royalty.

        After all the excitement was over, I went to my group of five boys and began the dangerous journey to the Mud Pit where people frolicked in mud. For some reason, I thought it was a lot more gross than funny, probably because I was here before. However, everyone seemed to have a good time. But even so, the mud show still gave me a chuckle, and it also gave me a pair of pants covered in mud.

        My group and I then traveled across the whole fair in search for the games. After discovering four tents of fun games, our chaperone, Mrs. Burns, let us choose any we wanted. Obviously, the four games had to be interesting, cool, and violent for boys to be attracted to. They were: knife throwing, ax throwing, archery, and ninja-star throwing. Since I'd always wanted to be a ninja, I chose the ninja stars. After trying, my future became clear: I was not meant to be a ninja.

         So we went on roaming around, searching for things that interested us. Soon we were just wondering in circles, occasionally stopping for the washroom. I was just about finished when we went to the final show The Ultimate Jousting. But the show looked much more than a simple jousting. First two champions approached each other ready to fight. There were Sir William, the champion knight who battled for the good and Sir Corway, the evil knight. Sir William easily beat Sir Corway, but had mercy. And then, Sir Corway brought some men and attacked the castle. Cannons blasted the battlefield as fire was raging and knights were fighting. It was chaos. Finally, Sir William, King Henry III, and the knights killed Sir Corway. What spectacular ending!

        I enjoyed the Renaissance Faire even the second time around. In fact, I might come again if I had time down the road. And now, I know what life looked like 500 years ago.





        過後,我們小組成員開始踏破鐵鞋四處搜尋遊戲,好不容易從四個帳篷里找出上手的遊戲,領隊伯恩斯阿姨允許我們由着性子撒野似地隨意玩耍。毫無疑問,四個遊戲不但有趣酷得要死,而且打打殺殺刺激非凡,否則有愧於哥兒們豪擲的寶貴光陰。這四個遊戲分別為﹕扔刀、擲斧、射箭、 忍者飛星。由於一直胸懷“忍者”志向,我才選玩“忍者飛星”。經過小試牛刀,我敢保證將來自己絕非當忍者的料。



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