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Analysis─The Amazing Invention(分析文─了不起的發明)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年04月12日08:25:20 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        Long, long ago, humans roamed the earth. We did everything by day, because at night time, there was no moon. As soon as the night fell, the world turned pitch black. The nights were cold and eerie. Then the sun would rise, filling the world with warmth and happiness and everyone would awake and do whatever they have to do. One day, an inventor looked up and wondered if there was a way to light up the night sky. He began with a brilliant invention that would change the world. It was a giant light bulb, and the inventor called it the moon. After carefully inspecting it one final time, the inventor hurled it into the air. The moon sprouted rockets and flew into space. As soon as the sun set, the inventor hit a switch. The night sky was illuminated with a warm glow from the heavens. Everyone cheered for the great inventor. However, the moon had a little less light the next night. The inventor looked up, and saw a sliver of the moon broken. The next night, a little more broke, and a little more and a little more. Soon, the moon was almost invisible again. So the great inventor then made a machine that would fix the moon, and it flew into space. The new machine immediately fixed the moon, but it needed a cool down. Thus the machine went into hibernation mode. In that time, the moon’s light dimmed, only to be fixed by the machine once it awoke. This cycle continued on and on and on, but the people were happy. As long as there was a little light, they were fine. And so, the people of earth lived happily ever after.




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