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Chichen Itza Mayan Ruins(奇琴伊察瑪雅遺址)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年04月13日15:59:04 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Chichen Itza0001.JPG

Aiden in English

        The only thing worse than a long, boring, dreadful plane ride is a long, boring, dreadful bus ride that Mom and I took to the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. The Yucatan Peninsula is located in the Central America where the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico meet. It is literally one flat plate. I could stare in one direction and see endless bushes and jungles for miles on and on. In fact, the highest point in the Yucatan Peninsula is probably the ramp onto the highway. So Mom and I watched the vegetation and land roll by on a coach bus for 3 hours straight. It was miserable for 3 hours straight. I was far too busy playing Pokémon to even study the landscape. Whatever we were going to do, it'd better be worthwhile.

        Mom seemed pretty excited, which was always a bad sign when it came to our tours. That meant the tour would be educational as always, tiring and memorable. Additionally, Mom's way of memorable is much different from the regular good memories. In another words, she'll be taking pictures every moment, which ruined the otherwise perfect tour.

        Today's educational trip took Mom and me to Chichen Itza at the edge of the Itza's well, one of the new seven wonders on the UNESCO World Heritage list. These Mayan ruins were taken apart by the Spanish conquerors and were used to build houses. But now, thanks to technology and archeologists, the ruins were restored.

        The Mayan culture seemed very complex especially when it remained little scripts and literacy writing. Unlike ancient Chinese, we learned about the Mayans history mainly derived from interpretations and speculations. However, the civilization had much more advanced science back to 1400 years ago. The geometry, astronomy, solar calendar, sound, and cosmovision reflected in Kukulkan Pyramid, Great Ball Court, Temple of the Jaguars, Tempe of the Warriors, Thousand Columns Market, Venus Platform, and the Observatory. Interestingly, the Mayans believed in many dimensions and their "heavens" had 13 dimensions. To enter it, they needed to reach something called an eagle. Then if fate was with you, you may become a Feathered Serpent, the highest level of all kinds.

        The Mayan's religion was intervened with science in astronomy. On the equinoxes of spring and fall, the sun shines the Kukulkan Pyramid at a perfect position for 20 minutes at sunset and sundown. During this brief period of time, the sunlight casts shadows on the northwest corner of the pyramid, forming 7 triangles of light. These triangles consist of the serpent in 98 feet/30 meters coming from Heaven down to Earth as the sun moves, and this brings goodness to the Mayans.

        Not only did the Mayans have the knowledge of astronomy, they knew about mechanism of the sound. How did I know that? Because the tour guide showed us a huge wonder that was a amazing. By clapping his hands in front of the Kukulkan Pyramid for 3 times, the sound echoed off the pyramid, making a high pitched noise of ku-kul-kan. This was something I had never heard of, and it was so cool.

        As much as the Yucatan Peninsula is flat, there are many sink holes or cenotes due to the collapse of limestone bedrock. One particular cenote created a gigantic well full of fresh water about 150 feet/46 meters deep in Ik Kil. Fish were darting up and down inside. As soon as the tour took Mom and me there, I was anxious to take a dip. The only thing I didn't expect was going down 93 steps into a circular area like a pool with people swimming. I thought the cenote was like a pool on the surface not underground. Nevertheless, the sight looked spectacular. The pool was a natural well of fresh water, and just as awesome as the pool was the diving platform. There were 3 platforms in total and each was at a different height. Knowing me, you all figure out what I was going to do. I rushed to the top platform, feeling brave and courageous. All of a sudden, when I reached the platform, the platform looked a lot higher than I thought. My courageous act evaporated as I stepped up. Doubts jammed my brain. Finally, I set my thoughts aside, and took a heap of faith. The water flew at me faster than my mind could register, then kapow! I hit the water hard, but in a moment, the memory was over. Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith, just like I did.

        The Yucatan Peninsula has so much to explore. I am sure that we'll come back soon.










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