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Compare/Contrast: Jerry and Lupe(對比文─傑瑞和盧普)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年04月14日12:17:24 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        Jerry and Lupe are both main characters in their stories. They have different goals, and yet are very similar in many more ways than you think. Jerry and Lupe both hope to be athletic, or in Jerry’s case, better in sports. In his story, Jerry wishes to one day become to be a star professional baseball player. That means he has a lot of practice to do, and he has to get better at baseball. Lupe just wishes to be better at sports in general. Since Lupe isn’t very good at most sports, she must set her goals a little less ambitious. In her story, Lupe entered the annual marble contest. She has weak fingers, so she practices to be better at flicking marbles (I guess that’s a sport), and that’s how she is trying to get better at sports.

        Apparently, Jerry and Lupe’s goals have quite some difference based up their natures. Jerry is aiming to become a professional baseball player and sets the bar very high for himself. He is really serious about baseball and wants to wrap his entire life around it. Lupe is a whole different matter entirely. She doesn’t wish to dedicate herself to flicking marbles around in a park. All she wants is to know she can be good at certain sports. Lupe and Jerry are similar, but nobody is exactly the same, so they also have huge differences.




Jerry & Lupe.jpg

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