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To invest is to vest in
送交者: jingchen 2020年04月15日17:04:12 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

To invest is to vest in

We all want to invest successfully. What is the secret of successful investment? The word invest itself already tells the secret. To invest successfully is to vest in. When we have a passion on something, when we have a vested interest, we naturally excel at it.

Currently, the stock market is where many invest their wealth. Are we deeply vested in those companies on the stock market? Not really! Stock market is there to provide liquidity, not vested interest, at least not for small investors. That is why most of us don’t do well in the stock market.

Historically, few people invested in the stock market. However, due to the higher and higher pension deductions, more and more people are forced to invest in where they don’t have vested interest, the stock market. The high pension deductions also diminish our opportunity to invest heavily in where we do have vested interest, our families and kids. With heavy taxation and heavy pension deductions, few families can afford many kids.

The current tax systems and pensions systems force us to invest in where we don’t have the vested interest and diminish our opportunity to invest in where we do have the vested interest. The is why our societies are not doing well.

On a personal level, we may invest less energy in where we don’t have vested interest, such as social media, and invest more energy in where we do have vested interest, such as our families. You might feel family life is too vested. You can devest from social media any time you want. But to invest well, you have to vest in.

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