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The Party of Electronics(电子游戏聚会)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月16日09:18:12 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        Electronics are the modern world poison to kids. It makes us cranky and less interactive. Worst of all, we always are addicted to whatever type of technology around us. So when Mom took me to a holiday party at her friend’s house the Saturday before Christmas, I brought my trusty iPad with me.

        I guess everyone else had the same idea because all the kids at the party held some sort of electronics. Since nobody really knew anyone quite well, we just played on our gadgets for the entire time. Mom either didn’t care or didn’t notice because she let me do what I wanted to do freely. I played all through the party. It sounded pretty interesting too. Since my friend Ethan introduced a fun trivia game, I found a new awesome free game on the App Store. It was called Sim City, and basically you ran the city by building resident areas and providing supplies. I also had to purchase recreational stuff to keep my city “happy” and “occupied”. I was pretty sure this game was going to get boring soon. But for now, I liked it. 

        At the exact moment, the Philadelphia Eagles were playing a crucial football game to get into the playoffs. They were pitted against the Washington Redskins, and things weren’t going too smoothly. As soon as I flipped a TV channel to CBS, I knew this was not going to turn out well. It was 24-24, four minutes left in the game and the Eagles’ ball at their own twenty. They ran for a few yards, and then Mark Sanchez, a QB, threw a nice pass to the forty. That’s when everything fell apart. Mark threw a pick or an interception. Robert Griffin III or RG III, a QB, got the Redskins in the red zone. The kicker drilled a field goal. The Eagles lost and were kicked out of the 2014-15 playoffs. After the feebly attempted Hail Mary pass from Mark, I shut down the TV. It was not worth watching now. 

        After the NFL game, the kids were all hanging out in the basement where there were sofas, TV, and best of all, music. A few adults were singing karaoke. As long as my epic gaming experience wasn’t disturbed, I was fine. 

        Although the videogames were amazing, food became even better. There was a buffet of homemade Chinese potlucks that all guests prepared, but someone brought some hot and spicy chicken wings which tasted delicious to me. They were really palatable, spicing up my mouth. I feasted on them. Nevertheless, there’s nothing like hot chicken wings on a chilly night. 

        I bolted right back downstairs after eating, where I stayed for the rest of the party. Videogames sounded just too irresistible, especially when all the parents were talking, singing, playing Ping-pong, poke cards, or drinking. I think parties should be fun events like everyone playing a sport or something interactive next time.


        我觉得大家都有同感,因为所有与会的孩儿们人手一件。既然彼此之前并非熟悉,几乎形同陌人,我们只好自始自终各玩各的。妈妈要么不在乎,要么没留心,总而言之,她撇下我爱干什么就干什么,而我偏偏当仁不让,誓要打不尽豺狼决不下战场,听起来多来劲呀。小伙伴昊宇应时介绍一种有趣的问答游戏,我赶紧上网免费下载 “模拟城市”软件,这个游戏确实挺好玩的,我既要管理城市,建设居民区,提供相应的物资,同时还得负责购买娱乐器材,让人们“安居”“乐业”。相信过不了一会儿,这个游戏就被玩腻,但初来乍到,我觉得新鲜蛮有意思。





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