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2014 Christmas Eve @ CGCC(2014年神州基督教會平安夜)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年04月16日09:45:09 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        The best, most wonderful season has arrived, bringing joy, happiness, and parties. So Mom took me to China Grace Christian Church (CGCC) for the annual Christmas party.

        Parties are cool and all, but no party is a party without spirit. The CGCC certainly had Christmas spirit in the air and I could just feel it in about everything. As soon as I entered the church, the very sound of the guests’ voices feel like the holiday joy. “Merry Christmas!” “Merry Christmas!” The atmosphere looked awesome even before the party had begun. 

        After giving our prayers to our food and God, the guests feasted on a buffet with all the delicious homemade Chinese potlucks you could ever dream of. The smell was really nice, too. However, even better than smelling was taking a huge bite out of it and letting the savory taste flow into your mouth like a fire in a winter wonderland. The food felt as if it had spirit as well.

        The spirit seemed like a flame that couldn’t and wouldn’t be extinguished. With full stomachs, we made our way to the auditorium. Every year, the church made a performance about God and celebrated Christmas. In the past, the kids used to bring videogames, but all happened to hang out in one of the rooms across the entrance to the auditorium since videogames were banned for good. That room looked just a mess. We absolutely trashed the place and everyone was laughing their lungs out, for Christmas was here. 

        After the show, everyone ate the deserts and said farewell. However, the good-byes sounded cheerful and happy. People need to be happy and excited because this is a time of giving. Our spirit needed to burn bright like the sun, even though it was night outside. Christmas was here, and I, like everyone else, was delighted and had a holiday bright spirit. 







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