【Aiden in English】
The holiday spirit is in the air and I’m not the only one that’s affected. At work, Mom’s department hosted parties and colleagues gathered together for the holiday. It was a wine tasting and a flavor pairing. Oh, you don’t have a clue of how much I wanted to be there.
Mom brought home the splendid pictures of the parties, which just made me the jealousy, well, hurt to my heart. I saw people eating, drinking and playing pool on a typical party. Everyone was laughing and had a great time while I was stuck in school trying to solve for X. As I continued scrolling through Mom’s endless trend of pictures, I noticed that most people had a glass of wine. My D.A.R.E. lessons told me that even if I went, it would be bad because of the alcohol in wine. However, it didn’t make me feel any better when I viewed the final few pictures.
I spotted cheese. So, much, cheese. Enough to last me for days. I’ve always loved cheese, and an almost endless supply was so close, but so far. I flipped to the next picture, and it felt as if somebody gave me a knuckle sandwich. Even better than cheese, it was adding the word “cake" after cheese and making to word “cheesecake”. A beautiful combo of sweetness and aroma, and there was a ton of flavors in the picture. I wasn’t able to bear looking at something so delicious much longer, so I moved on. The next picture didn’t appear to be much better. There were people opening gifts, looking as if they indulged themselves in a winter wonderland. If only I could share that greatness.
The holiday spirit spreads as parties are coming. For a lot of them, I’d better be ready because I’m not going to let them stop me from having a happy holiday.
節日氣息無處不在,其實並非我一人為之陶醉。借工作之際,媽媽所在的部門大動干戈狂設酒席宴會,單位上下不醉不歸;同事間結伴出行趁機海吃山喝,男女老 少不肥不休。品酒賞鮮豈止為風月情濃,吃香喝辣怎一個“爽”字了得。哎喲,誰曾知道我做夢都想嘗試如此神仙般的日子。
媽媽回家頻傳喜訊,讓我在欣賞幸福綻放過後醋意大發,嗨羨慕嫉妒恨,咱心裡不是滋味。吃香喝辣,人人興高采烈;談笑風生,個個樂在其中。而與此同時,我 卻頭懸梁錐刺股,苦苦鑽研尖端學問。我忍不住繼續往下翻看媽媽那些沒完沒了的照片,意識到絕大多數人酒杯在手,可“抵制濫用毒品教育”有言在先,即使我有 幸前往,對我只會有害無益,因為葡萄酒少不了酒精,但當目光掃過最後幾張照片時,我還是心存遺憾。
奶酪躍然出現在眼前,非常─豐富─奶酪,足夠叫我吃上好多天的。我一向熱愛奶酪,如今琳琅滿目的奶酪雖然近在身邊,卻好像遠在天邊,看得到吃不着。下一 張照片全是香噴噴的三明治,感覺比奶酪更來勁;奶酪加蛋糕做成奶酪蛋糕,甜美油香可謂渾然天成。從照片上來看,這種五花八門的風味餚饌比比皆是,我饞得要命,不忍心折磨自己盯着不放。再往後看,這張也不咋的,大家樂不顛顛地拆開禮品包裝,完全沉浸在冬季仙境之中,要是我能身在其中該有多好!