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Migration of Snow Geese in PA(宾州雪雁迁徙)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月21日12:17:35 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Middle Creek0001.JPG

Aiden in English

        Warm-blooded animals require warmth to survive like us. We wear winter coats to trap heat and turn on the heating at home during the long freaky weather in the Greater Philadelphia Area. With birds, warmth is just as critical because they do not possess the technology, science, and items to do so. The only remaining way would be to migrate to another place that has a warmer climate.

        Snow geese are just one of the many vagrant birds that migrate when the cold comes, and they don’t enjoy brutal summer heat either. So in the frosty air of the North America, all of the snow geese fly south to the coastal marshland in Mexico. Once spring arrives, they return to the north where temperatures warm up on their feeding grounds in the Arctic tundra. Now on every trip at this time of the year, stops are made across the farm fields on Triassic Lowlands along the Appalachian Mountains prior to dark, since geese don’t have perfect night vision. I don’t know about you, but I like to see where I’m going.

        So one of these stops is in Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area of PA, but this man-made “creek” is more of a lake. On Monday, about 110,000 white feather creatures in total. As the days dragged on, the numbers dwindled. By Thursday, 65,000 birds slept there. Today was Saturday, and yesterday, it snowed again. A lot on the Equinox. The temperature wasn’t so pleasant that the creek was frozen over. The snow geese obviously didn’t like the unpredicted incident, so only about 16,000 gathered in the area. Tens of thousands sounded still dramatic, but some decided to leave during the day to the next stop in Finger Lakes of NY. As the night fell, only a portion of 16,000 roosted in the open water while the southerly winds were dying down. 

        Mom parked the car on the side of a trail, and everyone began making their way along the direction to catch up with the migration in the area. We joined a steady flow of twists walking down a single long black-top paved path.  Grandma stayed behind since she had trouble jogging, and so two of us hit on the road. Without Grandma, mom and I cranked up the pace, surpassing other tourists quickly. 

        The bird honks became audible around a bend, and we started sprinting down the winding passageway. When I turned another corner, the trod stretched forward and in the distance sat a pavilion, the size of my hand or so. By the time, the honks got somewhat obvious, but it wasn’t until mom and I figured out the true location and the real culprits. These noises weren’t geese but tundra swans. The tundra swans looked large, graceful, and white plumage birds that floated in clump, swimming around but cautiously keeping their distance from the ice in the waterfowl propagation area. Because the tourists had to watch from what seemed like a light year away, the tundra swans’ features weren’t exactly considered “high-quality HD”. All I could say other than their elegant necks and charming wings was a spot of pure white. The tundra swans kept honking, as if annoyed by having an audience flashing bright lights from these things up to our faces (cameras). Once mom had taken her fill of photos, we walked the remaining distance. Not too long after, we reached the pavilion where no one was sitting down and everyone was standing to see the snow geese. Grabbing a seat wasn’t going to do anyone too much good. The area next to the pavilion was a mob though, with people all packed together. I’d estimate about a hundred people were there, plus another fifty or so if the slow, lazy, late tourists that always took their time getting to a destination count. This creek wasn’t just about the snow geese. I noticed it once mom had forced on opening between the crowds to the front. I didn’t know how she did it, but we came out in one piece.

        On one side were the white, specks of snow geese in Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area. I recognized them from a lone duet on the road. They were just like regular geese, except for the fact that they’re white. This made them look almost angelic. Almost, because I’m pretty sure angles don’t quack at everything.

        On the other side was a large group of dark Canadian geese, nearly as many as the snow geese. A few were circling the area, looking for a spot to land, while the snow geese clumped together as a black shimmering quacking shape. Those that circled around above them were like planes waiting to receive a docking gate from the control tower. They flew around over and over, and each time the circuit was complete. A few moved loser, and eventually found a spot. Mom finished capturing quicker than I thought. So in no time, we were walking back down the same long path again. A flurry of quacks and honks erupted from behind us. A swirling black mass of snow geese exploded from the creek, writhing and twisting, almost as if all those birds had morphed into one enormous hideous creature. The creature swerved and looped in a wide circle, as if showing off its power and abilities. This was how they migrated though. I really do wonder how they travel so far when they’re moving so erratically. The black mass twirled once again, and then flew off. Moments later, the sky was filled with white, honking, snow geese. Like the Canadians, these geese gathered together, flying in loops, spins, and dives. The birds kept coming, white specks darting into the distance. They resembled a snake, except that this particular snake had a long, white body and could honk. At this position, sixteen thousand seemed like a very reasonable number, considering the sheer size of such migration.

        Nature is full of mysterious. First of all, I want to know how the snow geese fly in that formation, if you even call that a formation, because it’s cool. But the way of life is a mystery, and everything about it is so different. I wonder what humans would do to get warm if we didn’t possess this technology. Would we migrate like the snow geese?




        宾州中溪野生动物管理区便是雪雁北上迁徙路线上若干驿站之一,这个人工开凿的“河溪”俨若一个大湖,本周一吸引了差不多十一万只雪雁前来驻足,但随着时间推移,数量急剧骤减,到周四为止已降至六万五千只。今天是星期六,昨个这儿又惨遭大雪洗礼,而且恰值春分当日,气温尚未回升,溪面依然结冰上冻。显然,这种突如其来的天气变化令雪雁无所适从,结果仅剩大约一万六千只仍在附近徘徊。成千上万乍听起来好像不少,但有些已在白天离开了这里,继续朝下一站纽约州的五指湖方向前 进,这么一来,当夜幕降临偏南风极度减弱的时候,只有其中一部分雪雁乐意降落在没有积雪覆盖的水面上。






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