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2015 Teachers’ Appreciation Dinner(2015年光华教师答谢晚宴)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月22日07:37:44 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        Annually in the spring, a feast is held at Lai Lai Garden in Blue Bell, PA. When I mean feast, I mean food fit for a king. Tonight it is a Guang Hua Chinese School (GHCS) event for Teachers’ Appreciation and whoever works like a dog, volunteers for a good cause, or teaches with a passion is invited.

        The food at Lai Lai Garden is precious like gold, so not just anyone in Chinese school can touch it. Only those who can pass the Chinese school top-notched, 24-7 security, also known as a checklist, can give their bodies this kind of supreme fuel. After a careful, closely scan for metal objects and examination of features, we were let in. I took a seat at a teen’s table, and it seemed that I was the first boy. People continued to filter into the banquet hall, taking their seats, and I played my iPad the entire time. One second the table was empty, and the next nearly every chair was filled. I didn’t know what I missed, but apparently somebody invented teleportation pods or something.

        The principle Heng You gave a speech congratulating many of the volunteer staffs as one of the Oversea Education Model Schools selected from 20,000 Chinese schools abroad by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, talked about a few upcoming events, and let us eat all we wanted for the rest of the night. Mom probably agreed with everything she said except that last part. Hey, sometimes if you’re not fit, which is putting it lightly, you just do what you gotta do.

        Soup and appetizers came, and nothing was too new here. The West Lake Beef Chowder was the same as the last times I dined. However, I wasn’t complaining because eating it once or twice didn’t count for the great food Lai Lai Garden processed. I could eat it thousand times if I wanted. The main courses were what really shocked me. In a good way, the dish came along with a plate of Fish Filet with Tofu in Mala Flavor Sauce in the slightness tinge of yellow, and tofu floated around on top. When I scooped a heap, I pulled up a spoon of oil, tofu, and a little surprise. Fish. Once I put the food on my plate, the red chili oil looked almost flammable, ready to burn at a single touch. I took my first bite, and it felt as if my tongue lit the oil on fire. I dosed the “flame” with rice and water, but I got used to it quickly. More dishes arrived, bringing fresh smells and experiences to the table. The simple, plain Sautéed Shrimp with Peas led the charge of different flavors, and they were followed by a wave of Crispy Diced Chicken with Hot Dry Peppers. The chicken was deep fried, but the meat wasn’t enough. All I was eating was a crispy shell of flour and red peppers. The next dish of Sautéed Lamb with Scallion advanced after a few bites of the tender texture, moving into a new category. There was a plate of Shredded Pork with Dried Tofu full of hard tofu and pork strips, really bringing out the meat’s taste. The tofu just adapted to whatever the seasoning and condiments. Up to now, a full stomach felt enough to last me to my midnight snack.

        Lai Lai Garden doesn’t only accommodate the size of our Teachers’ Appreciation, but provides superior food and authentic Chinese flavor. And with such food, it isn’t surprising that GHCS hosted an annual party here.





        首先上桌的是汤食和开胃菜,实在没有什么新鲜的东西值得大说特说。“西湖牛肉羹”跟我前面几次到此就餐时的味道相同,不过本人不但没有因为尝过个把回而心生厌倦,相反“来来花园”的烹饪手艺令我百吃不厌。正餐更加诱人,先拣好听的来讲,“麻辣豆花鱼” 白里泛黄,豆腐在碗表飘飘成仙,我舀了一勺,里面少不了辣油和豆腐,还有意想不到的东西,那就是鱼。我把它们放到自己的盘子上,红油看似易燃物品,一触即发;我刚吃上一口,舌头被辣得像着了火似的。这时,我赶紧疯吃米饭多喝凉水来缓解火烧火燎的感觉,但很快反倒适应了麻辣味道。接下来各种美味佳肴逐一呈现眼前,简单清爽的“青豆虾仁”独领风骚;紧随其后的是“重庆辣子鸡丁”,这道菜面裹得厚实,鸡炸得焦脆,结果掩盖了肉的味道,不过油煎面团酥香耐嚼,而彤红的干辣椒格外抢眼并刺激食欲。下一道“葱爆羊肉”痛改前非,小试几口之后立马叫我品出肉质滑嫩葱香无膻的传统精髓。还有一道“香干肉丝”,豆腐干和猪肉丝爆炒有方,大大提升了肉的品质,而豆腐干本身即可充当调料,还可用来调味,一举两得。吃到这里,我已经撑得可以免去考虑宵夜一事。


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