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Descriptive Poetry─Black(叙事诗─黑色)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月22日07:51:27 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        I Am Everywhere, Anywhere 

        From the deepest point of the ocean, 

        To the farthest reaches of the universe, 

        From the darkest corner of the closest, 

        To the climax in a child’s nightmare. 

        I Am the Evil 

        The antagonists of a mysterious, deep plot, 

        The chill down the reader’s spine, 

        I seize the world at its throat 

        When the sun’s protection leaves the earth. 

        I Am the Gloom 

        The eeriness of an empty street, 

        The unknown of a masked, cloaked man, 

        The dropping stone in your stomach 

        When you see that big, fat F on a math test. 

        You Don’t Know Me 

        You never see me coming, 

        In a bite of food, cold and bitter.  

        You don’t expect me, 

        Like when someone farts in the classroom. 

        You Are Scared of Me 

        The flickering, final flame 

        Waiting to be consumed by black. 

        The last stand of the brightness 

        Before it falls into my reign. 

        You Are Hunted 

        Wherever you go, I follow. 

        You can run, but you can’t hide. 

        I have planned for eternity 

        In the dark, cold shadows. 

Because where there’s Light, 

There is black



































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