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2015 Yo-Yo @ Lansdale Intl Fest(2015年兰斯代尔春季国际节抖空竹)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月22日07:57:07 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        The road to perfections is a road that doesn’t exist like Kentucky Wildcats. Sure, there are many people who pursue it, but following the road seems like learning to sprout wings and fly, which I’m certain someday that will be possible. Yet having a Chinese yo-yo performance without our star, without any abundance of time to practice, and with a large audience, the foundation of disaster has already been set. All my yo-yo class has to do was to scheme the plan in motion. 

        The Lansdale Borough in PA hosts the 24th International Spring Festival @ North Penn High School every year, and featured performances of different cultures are showed all throughout the complex. It has become the largest diversity event in the state. The majority of the shows were being performed in the main gym. That turned out to be our stage to shine on with our Chinese traditional arts, and it was also our rendezvous point. With our performance around two o’clock, the meeting time was set around 12:45 pm. Only thing was that no one was there when we arrived. Mom and I waited at Guang Hua Chinese School designated area. Ten or more minutes later, only one kid Kevin showed up. No sign of our teacher, Eric. At this time, I blamed mom for everything because half an hour later, Eric came rushing into the bustling gym, followed by another student, and said that we were supposed to gather at the audion as if it was my fault waiting at a place mom led me to! So, after giving mom a glare that could turn a dream to nightmares, the small band of four yo-yoists (hey, I made up a word!) left the heat rising gym to practice.

        Originally, an hour ahead was plenty time to practice, but with “miscommunication” between parents (yes, that’s the excuse mom used. So lame!), the time was cut evenly in half. Not to mention the fact that time wasn’t the only thing cut in half. Our numbers went from 10 at the last week’s practice down to four now. So fitting time with music got even harder. The previous experience was hard, but at least time wasn’t as big as a factor since we had plenty of it. Now with a performance right upon us and with no idea what to do, things seemed even gloomier. Somehow, Eric made the things we got into something else, but even he was discouraged with our efforts. Then the last chord snapped. We finally did something to cut the losses, and as if just to harass us, four more kids arrived. That was the last push, and everything we had just collapsed. We walked on stage without any determination other than our tricks. In the last moment, our teacher gave us a quick order and we were set on our way. 

        Nothing at all could’ve prepared us for this situation. It was a mess, from start to finish. Surprisingly, I went flawless, but everyone else had hit a problem hard. Another kid was doing the Cat’s Cradle and dropping it. Bam! I really hated the sound of a yo-yo hitting the floor. Then I walked to the center stage, tucked the string under one arm, and tossed the yo-yo around my arm. The trick was done pretty well, and so was my next one, the catch and toss between me and my friend, Devon. Again, flawless. I finally began to think that we were in a groove, then “Bam!” Somehow our teacher dropped it. That trick was flowed by another “Bam” as my friend attempted a ridiculously hard trick. That wrapped up our yo-yo program, and it went according to the plan…ish. 

        Life is full of these kinds of unexpected situations and some even more severe than this. But shrugging off the defeat and moving forward is all that matters. The road to perfections doesn’t exist. If it can’t be found, don’t cry on it. 





        有谁像我们这样赶鸭子上架,从头到尾一直散散洋洋。出人意料地,我竟然成了乱世英雄,队里的人中吕布马中赤兔先后错失前蹄,有一位队友在表演“小猫摇篮”时空竹出线,“咣当!” 应时发出一种令人生厌的碰撞声来,我赶紧走上台子中间巧施技艺,将线绳先往胳膊上缠,然后再让空竹沿着胳膊两侧的线绳跳来跳去,表演得干净利落;下一个与朋友德文合演的长传空竹节目同样没捅漏子,我情不自禁地感叹起咱兄弟二人的默契。未容多想,“咣当!”不知怎么搞的,老师的空竹应声落地,接着又出现一声“咣当”,那是同伴上演高难度绝活不慎失手带来的,整个空竹表演也接近尾声,基本上符合我们预期的想象。



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