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2015 Math24 Tournament(2015年口算24點錦標賽)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年04月24日07:35:25 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        Nothing can stay amazing without constant polishing. The Math24 Tournament is no different. Since my last victory in the tournament of NPSD, I haven’t been to the weekly practice at my school for math in the morning. Maybe that’s why first place eluded me this year.

        Math24 is a game of quick thinking that uses simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts. The goal is to make the number “24” using four different numbers once and only once. It sounds easy, but what if the best could solve a card in about half a second? That’s me for you. But during the competition, certain new cards really eluded me. This year, many larger numbered cards were made including numbers up to 40’s and 50’s. I guess I softened up over the past year because I left most of my opponents a point or two free points. Yeah, I meant free points. If I’d known, I would’ve lost, and then maybe I would’ve been more merciless. Also, my brain had taken a beating already today since I had Olympic Day right before. The competition worked in three rounds, switching opponents every round randomly. Every player must gather as much points as possible, adding them up for a total score. There was a certain factor of luck as well. If two extremely god players meet, the points would be split evenly. For me, I got a little less luck than I wished for. In my 2nd round, I met an advanced girl. Although I still won by 15 points, the round made me lose 10 or so crucial points. I ended with 102 points respectably, but still 20 points less than last year. At that point, I had a ton of “should’ve”s because I knew from previous experiences that 102 weren’t winning score.

        Although my spirit coming into the final moments of the competition weren’t great, I knew the 2nd or 3rd place spots were a huge possibility for me. The announcer started with 1 point, asking anyone below one point to sit. Then, counting by fives and moving all the way up. Now, from the past memories, when reaching the 75 marks, there was a huge group of kids that sit down. It seemed as if 75 was a milestone and whoever passed 75 usually lasted to about 90 or so. After 75, there were about eight kids standing. My heart was pounding at the time, listening to every sound in the room. Soon, the announcer said 100, and six people remained. 105. Boom! four people sat, including me. Four kids were told to stand, and from there, we counted by ones. At 101, two kids sat. At 102, another went, which meant I clutched 3rd place. Only later did I know that the 4th place kid had tired with me. The announcer had said “102 or above” and so 102 fitted in the parameters. 

        This game is about skill and luck. Whether the best player wins or not, the force of luck and fortune must favor the winner. Today, I was neither the luckiest nor the best. Fate didn’t smile upon me on this Thursday.






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