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2015 North Penn Art Show(2015年北宾州学区艺术展)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月25日08:49:40 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        The Art Show at the North Penn High School is really something worth going to. The halls of the school are transformed from a learning facility into an art museum, and I’m telling you that we have a lot of talented students across all grades. 

        Now, I’m not gonna talk about my piece of art work because I don’t consider it one. How did my name-tag enter an art show? It was probably because I drew it spending a little more effort than the rest. But seriously, I’m talking on a stage of paintings, sculptures, and artworks that could be sold with actual money. This event showed many of the future classes that we, as North Penn Students, can take in the upcoming years. Scattered artists around the building of variety of skill sets were demonstrating their strongest suit. I’m talking about the best of the best like paints, sketches, clay potteries, animations, and everything. However my largest thing today I learned would be from the artwork I saw.

        I lost interest in art long time ago. Yet for some reason, I remain as a top drawer in my grade. But some serious talent was in the making at my age, and this was the perfect opportunity to up my game. What I loved about this year’s art show was there were many nature and realistic pictures. The reason behind it was that realistic art work was my strong card, but anime characters were a class second. For one, I learned to add a light blue into the background for scenic pictures. This tint was a shade that defined distance, emphasizing the horizon line. It was a very key element I was missing in some of my art works. One sketch in my art class was on a mountain range, and the main mountain looked fine to me. It’s just that the other mountains looked kind of… weird. It’s a feeling that I had when I didn’t like something. Now I got it. But today’s lessons don’t just stop there. When drawing a reflection on water, the colors need a more diluted tint as if there was real water on the color pencil or paint. It’ll be easier for painting since you just need to add more water to the mixing tray, but I’ll need to be extremely selective with my colors from other stencils.

        Looking at other art works better than mine can really be a learning opportunity. It seems like life. Learning from others more successful at it and learn or follow.







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