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Category─Kelly the Beast(分类文─野兽凯莉)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月25日08:58:02 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        The future of Earth was bleak. Over population filled the cities. Nature was non-existent. Humans voted for a stupid, selfish jerk for office, dooming the world. Now, after that jerk was fired, the people of Earth fell into riots, and the Dark Ages began. Humans looked forward to Genetic Modifying Labs, aka GML, to bring back nature. Humans went too far, and we wanted a restart. Yet in the GML headquarters, one creation of nature was born into existence. One that would’ve been better left alone, for the human race had just sentenced themselves to their own deaths.

        Sixty-five million years ago, a monster like no other was born. The extinction of the very dinosaurs was because of this beast. After finding a strand of its DNA in the Gulf of Mexico, the GML resurrected this terrifying monster, calling it K12-C, also known as “Kelly.” The experiment went horribly wrong when a titanium seal imploded from an electrical unbalance, releasing a beast man-kind had never seen before. Kelly trashed cities, the Godzilla of the century. She was fifty feet long, with titanium-like scales, and she was a creature of pure destruction. Lasers zapped from her eyes, and blue flames and acid poured from her mouth. Rows upon rows of teeth lined her mouth, intimidating even the bravest of people. The air-force was called, but it was still no use. The roar of the beast summoned aliens in their UFOs, beaming up innocent people. 





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