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送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月25日09:03:45 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        Graduation is a critical milestone in life, especially for Chinese school. This is because the more boring it is, the more satisfactory learning Chinese forever is. The only thing was painful to witness a graduation when you’re not finished yet. Unfortunately, that was the case for me anyway.

        The term “bitter-sweet” is a weird phrase because sometimes, it’s “bitterer” than “sweet”. It’s far too bitter to see kids say final, polite goodbyes which on the inside seemed like “See you, suckers!” while I was burning to death in the audience under a glass roof. The sweet part was the fact that this time was a great hours worth of jokes with my friends. Hey! We were bored, okay? Besides, do adults actually think they can get 200, sweaty, loud kids that don’t even give a crap to cooperate? Well, pigs will fly and the world will end before that happens, so good luck! For all the more sensible people, you see my point. If the school wants us to know that these “great” kids are graduating, it isn’t cool to rub it in our faces. There are more useful things I could be doing on a perfectly find Sunday than get heat stroke and dehydration while all the graduates blabbed on about their “amazing” experience. I don’t want to be a hypocrite, but I’ll probably have to lie in the same way. Wow, maybe the true feelings at the core aren’t always a pleasant idea for sharing. I guess sometimes the truth can hurt, and it’s better to judge a book by its cover.

        It’s not just the audience feeling discomfort, but the graduates as well. As I guarantee you, some of them on stage have some dark thoughts as well, like “This is my final year. My mom is finally proud of me, and you decide to embarrass us on the last day?!!” or “You don’t have to drag anyone here to get bored to death. That’s genocide!” or “Man, these graduation uniforms surely are hot. I’ve once heard somewhere you can get heat-stroke in hot outfits.” What was even more humiliating was the fact that each student had video they had to share about their experiences at the Chinese school. Something told me that the content had to be positive. No way would these kids be so nice. 

        The graduation ceremony lasted good hours. To be honest, I like my new shirts not soaked in sweat, not to complain or anything. I also find that sweat has a salty taste. I guess now, the phrase is “bitter, sweet and salty”.





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