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Crystal Cave, PA(賓州水晶洞)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年04月26日10:29:35 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Crystal Cave0001.JPG

Aiden in English

        Discovered in 1872, Crystal Cave in the borough of Kutztown, PA was a natural phenomenon that captured tourists hundreds of miles around. Smack dab in the middle of nowhere, what used to be an empty section of the map now contains a vast cave system underground that puts it on the map.

        The middle of nowhere can contain some very wonderful scenes. So when I say “I wish I could go again”, there actually is a reason behind that statement. The drive had many natural treasures itself. Planting fields spread out into the distance as far as the eye could see. Neat, tidy, orderly rows upon rows of plants decorated the scenic view, acting as the paint on the canvas. I wouldn’t be surprised if in the future I was called upon to write a poem about nature that I would relate back to this view. The isolation of the people out here is also another case. Like I said, this was the middle of nowhere, imagine driving an hour to get ice cream.

        Crystal Cave is a cave reaching down 155 feet/47 meters below the earth’s surface, keeping the temperature mostly at 54oF/12oC all year round. I guess there is something called a free AC installation. The cave was filled with stalagmites and stalactites including onyx, agate, and jasper, flowing-like stones and columns forming pictures. The process of getting a result like Crystal Cave is a tiny chance, considering a stalagmite takes 500 years to grow one, small centimeter. Boy, I though watching grass grow was boring. This just created an entirely different level. 

        The rock formations created interesting shapes as well. The images depended or the person’s own interest and imagination. For example, I could see the face of Jack Frost keeping the temperature cool in a rock, puffing his cheeks as if he was blowing on icy gale. Luckily for me I had a high-tech, heat preserving Nike sweatshirt that prevented any chances of hypothermia or frost bite. The cave showed wonder upon wonder. Rocks that seemed to flow down the side of the cave looked like actual water. In addition, the temperature varied every few feet, and the differences could be subtle or enormous. 

        Wonders of the earth are, well, wonderful. The events that occur are slim to one, but when the conditions are right, beautiful scenes like Crystal Cave appear.








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