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Six Grade Year-End Awards Ceremony(初一年終頒獎典禮)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年04月26日11:19:35 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        As the countdown to the end of school became single digits, many boring assemblies are bound to strike, one of which is the Year-End Awards Ceremony. Kids are given awards from their achievements throughout the year, hence the name.

        Sure, getting certificates are exciting but come on! It’s only a piece of paper with fancy symbols on it. The more worthwhile part was the event that gave you the award. This is just a proof that I did something. So while everyone was given his or her speech, making the ending of the year soon sadder than it was, my friend and I found something to occupy ourselves. 

        (Warning! Do not proceed if you are afraid of the following: ants, dissection, body parts, or ants with dissected body parts.) My friend, Victor, is very, very crazy kid (no offense), and so crazy that he earned the nickname “Tigger” like the Tigger in Winnie the Pooh, because how he bounced around so much. Usually, he rebounded off people, but occasionally, he would hit something harder than a human being. Here we were sweating our tails off, and Victor yelped. I looked and saw an ant the length of a fingernail on his hand. Next thing you know, he’s got it trapped in his hand, squished between his thumb and index finger. It squirmed, but how much force could an ant generate being squeezed? Victor then asked me if he should pull of legs and antennas. To be honest, I didn’t care. So Victor started with the antennas or back legs (I couldn’t look), and pulled it off. I sort of expected some sound effects, but none came. The ant was freed from Victor’s finger, but he still kept the poor thing on his hand. It ran around his hand as it had three espressos in one breath, and eventually Victor let it down. It ran off, tending to its injuries. 

        Meanwhile, I received a President’s Award, a fancy name for “Straight A+ Student”, and the Math24 Award for 3rd Place and Montgomery Band Certificate in my school district, all on sheets of paper.

        The Year-End Awards Ceremony looked great, getting the awards and showing off our academic skills. The year is reflected on today. And considering the things I got, I think I did pretty good overall. 







2015 President's Education Awards Program10001.JPG

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