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Being a teacher is harder than it looks(辛苦的園丁)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年04月26日11:30:55 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        Today sounds easy in an ideal perfect world. Spit out information and let the kids suck it up. Every kid pays attention and the entire class participates in activities. But when reality comes into play, being forced to learn during summer break is anything but ideal for kids. As for being a teacher assistant, this is why I was hired.

        I have never babysat anyone in my entire life. Maybe technically I have on my baby cousin, but at least she listens. This was my first time ever being close to a teacher, and let’s just say that after today, I’m changing my career. Being the assistant, I had to take care of the kids so that they didn’t distract others during lessons. Now, if there is one thing to complain to the school, which I think there are many, it is supposed to separate the age groups. I happened to deal with a 6-year-old kid who would fake cry everytime we told him to: A) can you be a little quieter? or B) shut your yapping mouth. In the end, I was ordered to take him out, which I would happily take that statement with both meanings with pleasures. So I dragged him to the room next door, and watched him shoot down a platoon of starships. Apparently, he had a secret weapon as well: a marker. 

        However, that kid wasn’t the only issue. The next part sort of turns me into a hypocrite because I used to do that too, and it’s not something I’m proud of. A little girl came to the camp/summer school in the morning, and felt like a pain in the donkey. The girl was afraid of being left alone without her mom in a room of strangers. I don’t blame her since I wouldn’t want to be here either. But the second her mom left, she started bawling her eyes out. The worst was yet to come. 

        The reason I was here was to teach both Chinese Chess and Chinese Yo-Yo classes, neither of which went exactly as I wanted to. In Chinese Chess, only four kids actually played. The rest did other stuff, and hopefully that wasn’t because of me. But the true challenge came when I started to teach the Yo-Yo. You know, being a teacher requires you to get along with all kinds of kids in any situation. Well, that’s gonna be tough for me since when no one could correctly spin the Yo-Yo, I got … annoyed. I wasn’t doing anything wrong, and I was explaining the motions just like my teacher. I guess this year’s batch wasn’t as talented. I had to run around, managing all the kid’s problems. From my prospective, it was chaos. Some kid’s string was too long, another’s snapped. The three other kids were chanting my name to teach them how the Yo-Yo as it turning while spinning it, and my answer was: “Follow the direction of the Yo-Yo as it turns! I can’t hand you everything!” The other teacher assistants were useless too, because they were a part of the silly group. I can’t ever trust anyone else to do my own work. Being a teacher is a lot harder, you see. When students don’t get something, then I get every vexed because I’m failing to do my job. I think now I know why teachers always want you to cooperate. It’s their job, if the students don’t learn and you are a bad teacher. That’s probably why this career was erased. Being a teacher doesn’t just require a good explanation, you need to have faith in the students to get good grades. This job relies too much on the laziest people in our society, and the fact that my career running on a bunch of kids is sort of, oh, scary.

        In an ideal world, everything will go your way. You can pick your job and be good at it. But it’s tough when the job you want to be good at doesn’t depend on how good you do it, but how good someone else does. 

        Here is attached a quote about the teaching principle. “Effective teaching strikes a delicate balance between the self confidence that students must develop to become independent thinkers and the humility they must maintain to recognize how much more they have to learn. In this process, moreover, it is not so much the intellectual superiority of the teacher that counts as it is his maturity in facing the unknown and his willingness to leave unanswerable questions unanswered.”







        順便附上一個放之四海而皆準的教學原則:“卓有成效的教學在於加強學生獨立思考能力及其信心,培養他們對所學領域不斷進取的欲望。 因此在整個過程中,重要的並非是教師本身具備的廣博學識,而是教師如何面對未知並對無法解答的問題充滿熱情。”

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