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希腊希俄斯岛中世纪土围子(Medieval Fortified Village, Khios)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月28日20:44:46 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话



Aiden in English

        The island of Khios is a part of a huge ancient empire stretching back to 7,000 B.C. So it’s safe to say that not all villages have survived, but the few that had still stand, well, don’t seem as if they were built before the year. 

        The semi-fortified medieval village of Anavatos becomes the oldest quaint ruin on Khios. It’s sadly affected by Turks’ slaughter and has been abandoned ever since like a ghost town. The winding cobbled streets were lined with ancient stone houses. The builders used cement filling between the stones. This village-like many other settlements in Greece is on a mountain. The stones that made up basically every house was mined locally, which saved a little work. The narrow streets of cobble zigzagged into an open area, and the wind blew in gusts so high up. However, the town wasn’t exactly in the best shape. Time still took a toll, yet it made the surrounding even more mystically fun. I climbed up a broken wall, and from there I could see over any steals that blocked my field of vision. At the point, there were no people around for miles and miles but small shrubs popping up here and there, and nothing in between. Hey! It sounds like a riddle due to a forest fire a few years ago that wiped out the vegetation for so many mountains. The sight of such destruction has a kind of beauty as well to itself. 

        Another medieval settlement is Avgonima, a historical village where only 15 old people live nowadays after the Massacre of 1822. It is built on a rock with steep slopes, leaving only access from the north side, and probably used to control the western shores of the marauding pirates and corsairs. It is well preserved with two-story longhouses and walls, compared to Anavatos. The incredible views of the Aegean Sea looked amazing against the steep slopes on the hillside. Hopping around, the Aegean Sea showed itself, sandwiched between two mountains. Avgonima is a pretty village with a disadvantage, though. Its brutal sunlight makes me feel like a little crazy. By the time you pour the water, the pot has burnt!

        Greece is full of mountains, and approximately 80% of its land consists of mountains or hills, making Greece one of the most mountainous countries of Europe. Interestingly, all Greek towns are set up next to a sea. Because the rocky sides of mountains aren’t suitable for farming, the locals rely on the sea for food. Nearly all the settlements of Greece were on or near the coast, which also protected them a bit from northern invaders over the centuries of the Greek history. One is fueled by fear and driven by faith. The mountain is the country as the water is the sea.






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