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Ancient City of Nessebar, Bulgaria(保加利亚内塞巴尔古城)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月29日07:45:46 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话



Aiden in English

        Not to confuse with Zanzibar of Tanzania, the other ancient city of Nessebar in Bulgaria is spelled with an N, not a Z. However, if I didn’t know any better or haven’t visited this stone city in Africa, I probably could pass those two for the same place. 

        Zanzibar is an ancient city of winding and narrow streets paved with cobbles situated in the Indian Ocean. The walls of the city were put up stones, and it looked like a life-size maze. Along the coast of the Black Sea, Nessebar has the 19th-century wooden houses with broad, lively squares and restaurants everywhere. I mean absolutely everywhere! Out of all the cities that my cruise ship has sailed so far, this city is boasting its seafood to the world the most. I guarantee you that there is a restaurant with shrimps, fish, and scallops on every street, which is quite opposite to Zanzibar. And to add another difference, Nessebar had over 4,000 churches built in the village. Nowadays, only eight churches remain and are full of history. 

        In Nessebar, the first civilization started with the Thracian settlement more than 3,000 years ago, way before the Greeks, Romans, Persians, Slavs, and Ottomans all laid claim to this port city. Its history sounds quite interesting. First of all, the Thracians didn’t have a writing system. So you may ask how the heck we know about these people if they didn’t even record down things. History comes from writing, you know. All we have are things written about them in Greek. In other words, we didn’t know anything about them until after it became a Greek colony at the beginning of the 6th century B.C. Now every empire thinks that its people were superior, and the Thracians were known as barbarians. That statement is not completely a lie since they were not afraid of death. They believed death was just a gateway, which was extremely dangerous during the battles. Imagine facing a warrior not afraid of dying. They would fight stress free, but you would freak-out with “what-if”s. To say exactly how much, women would fight over who was buried with their husbands. It is Nessebar that the Greek myths of Dionysus share the stage with reality tales of Spartacus. 

        After the Thracians came the Greeks and Romans, then the Byzantine. Nevertheless, the Thracians probably had the most achievements out of all. They became the first to work with gold, which is very surprising. Many artifacts were the oldest of Europe, and possibly the world so far discovered. All from a group I have never heard of. 

        The Thracian settlement was a civilization that came out of the blue to me. First it was the Greeks, the Minoans then came after, and now the Thracians showed off. What other crazy and strong civilization is out there that I don’t know of?


        千万不要与坦桑尼亚的桑给巴尔混淆在一起,另一座以“N”而非“Z” 打头的保加利亚古城名叫内塞巴尔,然而要不是我曾亲自到访过非洲石头城,恐怕还真以为两个天南海北的历史名城同归一个地方呐。





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