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Neapolitan Authentic Pizza, Italy(意大利那不勒斯正宗皮薩)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年05月01日10:03:45 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話



Aiden in English

        Pizza is the new Alexander the Great in Italian culinary, which conquests countries with ease and turns people’s appetites against themselves. Its origin comes from the beautiful city of Naples with more than 2,500-year-old history.

        In the downtown Naples crammed in a small, dark side stands a tiny alley with a golden plaque that reads: “Nacque la Pizza Margherita”. This is an official plaque that states the origin of the monstrosity known as “Pizza”. The cheesy, tasty dough was invented in the 1889, and from the very start, Italians saw potential in the small circular bread of triangles consisted of green basil, red tomatoes and white mozzarella di bufala. Back in the old day, the pizza was a simple delicatessen of Italy, native to the country, and only known in this country. Then, Queen Margherita of Savoy happened to taste it. Those British and their explorers were always nosing their way into secrets. And so the pizza was no longer loyal to this country and owned by this country. In fact, Europe was reacting to this discovery like a girl to Cinderella’s crystal shoe (See Note at the bottom). Once the merchants passed it onto the Americans, the meaning of “pizza” was taken quite differently. The path split, and the American version of pizza was born. The oil, the grease, and the non-formality were given to an amazing dish. 

        It was astonishing to see how the world reacted to such a delicious pastry transform. They actually accepted it in a crazy and inhumane way. People switched their shops’ food to keep up with the competition here. After completing a diagram and analysis, I believe that it is because of US tourists and their money. When rich people come to poor places, money talks and leaves a trail. That’s why tourism becomes such a big hit in certain economies. The people need to get the tourists willing to spend money to buy their goods at higher prices. Now money can also make you a target, which leads to theft, hate, and assassination. It didn’t help that the Mafia was used to be extremely strong in Naples. Why was that? It’s the very people that tend to hand on to their money, sometimes even more than life. At what a point in time was money worth more than life? Well, some people have a thing for the green paper and numbers, I guess. Money stands out everywhere. It makes many people respect you, while others may resent you. Believe or not, nearly everyone sees you as a possibility to be like you.

Note: The story of Cinderella was actually inspired by the architecture in Naples.






2015-07-03_San Francesco di Paola on Piazza del Plebiscito-20001.JPG

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