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Farewell to Rome, Italy(告别罗马)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年05月02日07:21:27 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话



Aiden in English

        The theme of the trip to adventure the World Heritage in Southern Europe is sort of how time moves on, and the future comes faster it seems. Following the theme, time did move on, and I had to leave. Fortunately, this ending came with many memories. 

        The Greek Isles offered a type of tropicality unlike any other. The balance of relaxation in the sun and the lush history of Greek mythology really provided times of “ahhh…s” and boredom. But this was a perfect balance of learning and having fun. Like Crete with the amazing ruins of Heraklion, Santorini stunned the audience with dazzling beaches and catastrophic caldron. However, Istanbul in the Republic of Turkey was quite the opposite. This city also was the only city in the world to be split by the border of two continents. Instead of natural beauty, the city of Istanbul radiated man-made architectures mixed with towering minarets and grand mosques, such as the Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque. It’s spectacular to see what religion could drive people to do and inspiration indeed motivated human beings beyond the limits. Nevertheless, if you haven’t gone to Italy, you can’t say that you know the Mediterranean Sea. 

        After the 21-day cruise in South Europe, we stayed in Rome for two more days. The Colosseum was unmatched, and the streets of Rome seemed like a complete category of their own. Rome flourished in culture and life, which brought a new meaning to “awesome”. From the delicious and classic pizza that the world loved, to the hazelnut gelato that I loved, Rome was a city you had to visit. I couldn’t help wondering how the tiny ancient buildings were still around. The blend of modern and history was almost too perfect. Of course, it wasn’t just the buildings that were left to stay. The Tiber River flew through the west side of the city, leading to the giant Castel of St. Angel that towered over the many bridges. It’s simply amazing to tourists who witnessed Great architects worked on the city. To be honest, every building seemed to be an architectural feat of its own. The city had many styles, from ancient temples to medieval churches to a gigantic castle. 

        There were people everywhere during the day. A mixture of tourists and locals roamed the streets. Bad buzz! As I looked around every angle, I saw people. Churches that would’ve been astonishing in the US were so common around here that mom actually stopped taking photos for once. The ground and piazzas were a wonder of its own. It was usually full of a slippery marble, but sections of the street were cobblestone. The party of Rome would carry into the night, where more people would come out of the houses than going back in. Rome was all too much like NYC. People were out well past midnight. People were so enthusiastic that this city might as well be the city that never slept. Rome is the New York City of Italy where Mom and I got lost so many times that I needed hands and feet to count. Somehow we always ended up where we wanted to be, with or without help. The people there were really friendly as always, giving us smiles wherever we went.

        And the food in Rome was world-class, top of the notch, best of the best of the best, etc. I tasted the finest food on earth (technically the 2nd behind Chinese cuisine), and I guess my friends weren’t bragging that Italian food. It was certainly palatable. There were so many new flavors and combos, and my mouth wasn’t ready for so many tastes. The pizza was so different than American’s, not greasy, tasty, and not too much cheese. The pastas were phenomenal as well, providing all kinds of rich flavorful bites. You could imagine any kind of pasta and they would have a variety of all. The restaurants were street side. So when you smelled something good, it’s probably from one of the plates to your left or right. Needlessly to mention gelato, it was made especially in Italy because there was nowhere else like Italy. 

        There is really no place like these, and I would like to remember the memories I have of here. Looking out photos is cool, but in person, well, you won’t know until you experience it by yourself.








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