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Just A Game(比赛就是比赛)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年05月04日07:38:01 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        Everyday it starts off simple and normal enough laps and stretches in the basketball camp of Philadelphia Sports Club or PSC. Yesterday was a real beating on my body. Going downstairs was hard, getting up was hard, and walking was hard. Heck, everything was hard. But today it got even worse because we began with yesterday’s injuries. You have no idea how painful squats were. 

        Yet each day is different, and today it’s time to go swimming. PSC has three pools: the camp pool, the outdoor pool, and the main pool. Apparently, the only good pool is the outdoor one and all the others are sucked. The outdoor one has a diving board and a slide. Neither is great but it is a blast. It’s really funny what miracles water to perform sometimes. The cramps I had in the morning vanished in an area where you didn’t need to use your walking muscles as much. Floating around made no constant pain of stepping too far or running. The cramps came right back in the afternoon though. That wasn’t the only problem that was presented to me after lunch. One kid literally fell down while standing still. He was holding his knee for the rest of the day. Shortly after, a 6-year-old camper got clobbered in the head by an air-ball from the 3-point line. I felt really bad for the kid. It’s not every day that you turn around and get bashed in the face with a flying basketball. Things, at that point, were hectic, but the situation quickly escalated to the point where basically nobody was in the mood to play basketball. 

        There was a two-vs.-two tournament and the coach Dan had to pair up with a little kid since there was an odd number of players. Obviously, the people who advanced were all the tall kids. And no, I was not tall. During the semi-finals, the coach and a tall teenager jumped for a rebound. Our coach came down with the ball, while the kid dropped with a twisted ankle. Like the saying, “don’t hate the player, and hate the game.” His foot kind of just flopped around. When he was asked to turn his ankle, the foot didn’t move. He left early, and so did two others, which left the group with nine people.

        To play basketball or any sport, it’s normal to get hurt (except for bowling and golf). If you want to play but try to avoid getting hurt, then you’re not doing it right. When it comes down to the wire, the game is really decided on who wants to be superior over the other person more. And the winner will be the one who is not afraid to put his personal health on the line. Today the coach said something I thought that was very, very true. It is all about the game. The game makes the players do what they have to do. The meaning kept ringing in my head when I got a poor, little wee six-year-old out in knockout. Hey, you know, it’s all about the game. I hope he wasn’t mad, though. 

        The game is the reason for the injuries. People get hurt, and people are crushed. But we’re doing it for fun and the satisfaction of winning as well.




        接下来进行二对二对抗赛,因为营员总数为单数,丹教练跟一个小不点搭档,看得出技术好的都是身材高大的,且慢,我可不算其中的高个。在半决赛中,教练和大个儿少年争夺篮板,教练抢到了球,而那位少年落地时不慎崴了脚,俗话曾经说过:“千万别嫉恨球员,要恨就恨比赛吧。” 他脚踝脱臼,当被要求转动一下脚脖子时,那只脚根本不听使唤。他提前离去,外加其他两位,剩下的只有我们九名营员。



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