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Laser Tag (激光追身戰)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年05月04日07:49:33 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        This is the last day of PSC Basketball Camp. The process of getting to this day was hard and it didn’t come without bumps and bruises. But the week's name by fast, and it was fun, which is the most important thing by far. 

        Like promised we did layup drills in the morning for about 40 minutes, and people were dropping left and right to do pushups. I corrected my scoop shot, and also my shooting position I used to step with the wrong foot or jumped using only one step. These errors gave me 5 pushups everytime. 

        However, the last day brought us the special events, known as Laser Tag. Basically, each player got a vest with four targets on it. The chest had a triangle, and so did the back. Both shoulders had a small rectangular target. The vest came with a gun that fired a red laser that activated the sensors in the targets signifying that they’d been hit. A hit would stun you for five seconds, and points were given to the shooter. There were two teams, Red versus Blue. Although this was what we came here for, most of the campers wanted to play hide and seek. So you came to play a game where I doubted that 50% of the kids would never play again, and you decided to play a game that really you could do any night you wanted. Nevertheless, majority ruled and the sensible few were overrun by little kids. 

        For this game, a strobe light was turned on for effect. We had half a minute to hide, and the tagger wore a red vest that couldn’t be hidden. Once someone was found, they had to go back to the waiting room. So here I was, running away from screaming little kids and the tagger, when an idea hit me. Instead of running away, why not follow the tagger? So I ran around a corner, and popped up behind the red vest. Staying at a safe distance, I tip-toed behind a red glow I could see. Now, here’s a bit of advice of strobe lights. They don’t exactly prove the best light source. In the areas deeper into the arena, it gets very, very dark. Unfortunately, the set up was like a maze, with walls in certain areas. While I was following the tagger, I let him get too far ahead of me. Ah, I didn’t exactly make out which way he got there. Like an idiot, I ran into a wall. Bang! I swear, everyone in the room heard me. The tagger turned around, but I was gone, dashing away as fast as I could. On the way, I was pretty sure that I kicked someone sitting on the floor.

        The week ended with a scrimmage that wasn’t too fun, but it sure was hilarious. Jason missed all his layups again. At times, one team couldn’t even get the ball past its half-court line, and a tiny 6-year-old was voted (unofficially) MVP for getting a foul and a bucket over a 5-foot-11-inch kid, Alan. I got 6 points and a heck ton of assists. Although it wasn’t like the others, this game was a calm wrap-up to the hectic week. 

        Basketball is a sport that I’ll like for a long time. Although I doubt that I’m even going to make the middle school team, this game make me look at basketball differently.






        本周籃球營最後以混戰角逐宣告結束,雖然算不上太有趣,但卻熱鬧非凡。傑森再度犯糗,上籃連連失手;有時某些隊員甚至無法將球傳過半場,年僅六歲的蘿蔔頭因不惜犯規身高五英尺十一英寸思源將球投進籃框而被(非官方)評為最佳運動員。我總共得了六分, 還有不少助攻。儘管末場比賽與其它不同,但大家還是心平氣和地送走了樂此不疲的一個星期。


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