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Festival of Lights in LDS, MD(馬里蘭州華盛頓特區摩門教聖殿燈節)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年05月12日06:54:11 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


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Aiden in English

        The holiday season is not over yet. The Washington DC Temple we visited yesterday was hosting a unique performance at 7 o’clock in the evening and it was famous in the area. Accompanied by dazzlingly decorative lights, it’s called the Festival of Lights and a nice way to end out our Christmas celebrations.

        I fell asleep on my way in. So when it was time to get out of the car, I was stunned. It wasn’t every day that you were way up in a light show. The temple seemed untouched except for some lights shining up at the walls, but the main focus was the part we drove in from and the visitor center. Nearly all the trees that were on the road had colorful lights hung on them, and hundreds of people arrived. The holiday performance started hanging out tickets at six, and everyone was rushing for one. We came early and had my mom’s friend wait in line as we took pictures outside. You may know Mr. Jack Yoask’s house of Christmas lights I wrote about in Ambler of PA last year. Well, this might just have it beat. Multi-colored lights decorated the trees towards the front, and the closer it got to the temple, the more golden lights appeared. It seemed as if the temple was somehow purifying the lights like it would for people. While my mom was searching for the perfect scene that included the temple, I looked around for … anything, really. There were just so many lights, trees, Christmas decors, and people. Finally, mom found a spot for the picture, but it was right behind a passageway to the visitor center. And so, with mom’s stubbornness, we stood there for up to ten minutes. Let me tell you if you’re waiting for a horde of people on Christmas to walk past or notice that you’re taking a photo, it doesn’t work. No one even turned their heads in our direction. A couple even took a picture right in front of us, facing another direction. In conclusion, we went inside with a very unsatisfied mom and a tired me.

        The holiday show started with a video of the importance of the birth of Jesus Christ, and how it became a bridge between us and God. Then, with that said and done, came out a family of musicians. The youngest maybe even ranging to three or four, and they played for us some traditional songs like Joy to the World. The idea was to “touch our hearts” using music, as some things cannot be described with words. The performers invited us to sing through the second repeat, which the audience joined in quite enthusiastically. I just hymned the tune, considering I wasn’t the best with the lyrics. But I must say, there were some extremely talented singers in the crowd.

        Whether you’re celebrating under the Christmas tree, in bed, at a party, or in Maryland, it is a time to be happy, and Christmas, if I know one thing, makes people happy.






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