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Brookside Gardens, MD(马里兰州溪畔植物园)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年05月12日07:00:46 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


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Aiden in English

        I’m not the biggest fan of flowers. Every spring, they take me through pollen torture that kills, and hopefully, that’s a good enough reason. Well, after today, it might not be, seeing the Brookside Garden in Silver Spring of MD.

        For the past few days of Christmas, it had been like my math test scores. They sky-rocketed into the seventies, then plummeted down into the forties and thirties. Just that my math scores didn’t go as low. Today was another rise, and the flowers that should bloom in the glorious, warm, sunny days of May were opening their buds at the end of December. Logic just doesn’t apply to Mother Nature, does it? This looked nice at the present. When the creepy-crawlies come out in the spring, however, there will probably be excessive numbers because the weather doesn’t kill off any bugs over the winter. Nevertheless, it also meant the beautiful scenes we had right now. Since we came with mom’s friends, they were locals and understood that the main parking was always full. A visitor center had a few parking spaces, and we took one. It was located on the opposite side of the conservatory, and knowing mom, that’s the one place we had to go.

        It didn’t seem as if the conservatory had some special flower that was unique to this area and all the other botanical gardens we visited didn’t have because of insufficient conditions or anything. Nor did this place have a national reputation. It’s just a nice place to have a stroll and recharge your energy on a warm, winter day. The conservatory featured some cool tropical flowers called a Bird of Paradise that looked like bird heads with splashes on orange and red. The next room over showed a small track for a long, toy train to run around. It was thirty-two carts long, and I’m telling you, every kid under the age of ten was hypnotized by the train. Okay, maybe it’s because it was traveling in a circle, but the kids were staring at it blankly, like I would to an X-box One- no, no, you get the point.

        The Brookside Gardens was actually pretty big, with multiple lakes and trails to walk around.  The trees and plants outside all had lights curled around them, many of which were simply fake plants made up of duct tape and LED bulbs. They weren’t on, and being a lazy bunch, we used that as an excuse and walked maybe a half mile and turned back. On the way, smells of spring, the scent of flowers blotted out of the entire sense of smell. I had a clogged nose since two days ago, and I don’t think it’s the virus. So, I delightfully played to our gracious hosts some honking noises throughout the entire night in bed, sounding like a Donald Trump on caffeine. Without the humor, that is.

        The spring has come three months early, and I don’t like it. My nose hurts from the rubbing against tissues, and everything tastes like boogers. My eyes water to nearly anything, but the idea of actually not wearing a coat outside is quite appealing though. I just hope the bug problem won’t be an issue this coming spring.




        温室本身既没有什么独一无二的特殊品种,又没有至少我们所参观过的其它植物园栽培不了的东西,况且名气不大,充其量只能算作一个在如此惬意的冬天人们放慢脚步仔细品味美好时光的地方。温室里有个别好看名叫“鹤望兰”的热带花卉,它看上去好像一只头戴桔红色皇冠的小鸟。隔壁还有迷你火车道,玩具火车绕圈行驶,上面挂着多达32节各色车厢。这么说吧,凡是十岁以下的孩童肯定酷爱火车,得咧,也许因为火车一圈一圈地转悠,所以围观的小朋友们看得相当入迷,如同我见到X-box One微软视频游戏,虽然算不上一码事,但你明白我想表达的意思。



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