【Aiden in English】
A new year has arrived, and to be totally honest, 2015 was getting old. It feels like it turned 2016 ages ago, and we have to leave the glamorous life behind. But not yet. There are still seven more hours to go, and two great college football semifinal bowl games to go. And, as a split-second decision, a family dinner was added on New Year’s Eve as well.
Mei Ting Asian Fusion is a restaurant the just opened recently and located just fifteen minutes away from our house. Assuming mom didn’t make a mistake while driving, which she always did. The GPS clearly stated that Lower State Road was half a mile away, so why turned into a small neighborhood half a mile in the dark before we are supposed to turn? Anyway, we had a five-minute delay due to a little inconvenience, which was partially true because mom was very inconvenient. The new restaurant looked quite small on the outside, I must say, but it opened up behind the entrance. Still, there was an effect of the tidiness of the restaurant, as it was brand new. A rule-of-thumb for clean restaurants is if the bathroom had tints of colors, whether it’s bleach, spills, or other man-made stains. A good thing in this place was spotless.
As usual, I handed the tough job of ordering to mom on purpose, as the classes at Chinese school don’t help in these areas. I just looked at the menu and tried to look intelligent, which was quite hard when all the names on the menu were weird characters. This restaurant was an Asian Fusion, which basically meant Chinese-Chinese cuisine, American-Chinese heavy taste, and American-Japanese sushi. Another rule-of-thumb, if the dish sounded good, then it’s not the most traditional Chinese dish. For example, a famous Chinese dish is known as 臭豆腐, which is very popular in China. It literally means Stinky Tofu. Translate that to English, and see how many American people actually order it. Even normal dishes like 回锅肉, which means Double-Cooked Pork Well, the entrees all, in English, sounded fairly nice, and mom carefully avoided those, especially the kinds with names, like General Tso’s Chicken. The Americans are die-hard fans for Chinese cuisine and even give boring food a name.
In the end, mom chose a delicious seafood mixture that was done quite well, a few of deep-fried veggie rolls that came with a killer wasabi sauce, roast beef with broccoli that had a nice texture, and a lame with cumin leek which I love. Mom later added a Dan-Dan Noodles to the list, but it was flavorless. Overall, the meal was enjoyable, and it would be a long time before I would have one like this again.
The Chinese tradition of eating a good meal at the end of the year was well lived up to when coming to Mei Ting, and so long 2015!
去岁迎新之际,我们来到“梅婷” 大吃大喝,也算发扬了中华民族的光荣传统。再见吧,2015年。