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北賓州初高中管樂會(Wind Ensemble Concert of NP 2nd Schools)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年05月13日06:35:51 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        In elementary school, the band seemed like a simple game which most of the time got really boring. Middle school, hence the name, took the band to a different level. I actually needed guidance for a piece. Of course, with higher-level means a higher level of performance.

        The North Penn High School’s auditorium is huge. To show off, it even added a balcony. This is the style performances should be like. My old Montgomery ES provided the comfy floor as our seats, and that’s why our butts always hurt after the orchestra shows since they took forever. But the Wind Ensemble Concert of the NP Secondary Schools tonight, the audience won’t be bored of any band after an hour, because the bands would rotate. The Pennbrook Wind Ensemble of my school went first, and the performance was not the best. There were mistakes, but it turned out fairly well. However, the spotlight was not really on the middle schools, considering that the high school band was in the building.

        The high school kind of stole the show. To start, its band just like the auditorium was huge and almost doubled the average middle school wind ensemble. They had talent as well, especially the guy on the mallets. His hands blurred as they went up and down the xylophone, with speed and accuracy. The other percussion players, yes, were impressive, but I’m pretty sure the audience didn’t even realize the entire drum section was there until the xylophone player stopped. This band had the longest time on stage, and the bulk of the time was from a miniature symphony. I really did wonder how one’s hands didn’t fall off from playing that fast during that piece.

        It was really sensational to hear the upper levels. I know that’s the place I’m going down the road, but I am thoroughly intimidated by their performance. No matter whether I make it or not, I’m still positive. The band played a wide variety of tunes, with the speed that was fast and slow, and sounded so loud that the building shook, and also so quiet that I thought my ears fell off. Especially in this kind of room, the sound resonated everywhere, and the ringing after every BOOM of the bass drum echoed for a whole second or two. Even more so were the cymbals, where a clap of sound blasted at the audience. As the watcher, it sounded cool. But musically, it got annoying when trying to muffle the ringing.

        And before I close this post, I want to quickly note that Brandon McManus, the graduate of NPHS then and the Denver Bronco’s kicker now. He is going to play in the Super Bowl this coming Sunday, and I sincerely wish him luck. The NPSD gave all teachers a t-shirt with his number on it to cheer him on. I really hope that Peyton Manning finishes his career strong. I also wish Brandon would kick the game-winning 60-yard field goal to win the game in double-OT. I know it’s bold, but it will be crazy and bring pride to North Penn.







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