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2016 CNY Celebration @ CGCC(2016年神州基督教会春晚联欢)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年05月13日06:54:28 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        Chinese Spring Festival has come. It is one best time of the year, arguably better than Christmas. It’s sad that the time has passed now.

        Wait a minute, hold your horses! Why is there still a party at China Grace Christian Church of PA? Apparently, because Chinese Lunar New Year was on a Monday, the festivities were pushed back a week. So that means more food, fun, and performances. A church party is an annual event that my family participates in, and it is a wide variety of shows from skits to comedies. This year, even before the performance, I knew it would be better, especially since I wasn’t actually a performer. Well, although it bolds well for me, my friends are pretty salty. I would be too because the kid’s performing has a great time every year. The night began with a legendary dinner, with some of the greatest Chinese food I’ve had in a while. Heaps of fried rice were served in huge trays, and they were followed by assorted meats and vegetables. The final table held cookies, cakes, and Chinese deserts. Loading my plate, I had my fill, as I knew the performance would require a lot of energy to clap.

        One thing that I did not enjoy with the auditorium was the temperature this time. I know the highest temperature of the day was 17 degrees in Fahrenheit, but the warmth of the room was too cozy. It was easy to dose off in amateur performances, and it usually led to missing a nicer show. At least there weren’t many performances that got me bored. The age variety kept the audience on their feet, with experienced, aging singers and tiny, sweet voices ringing sound around the vast church. My personal favorite was then my friends went up to perform because it was terrible. Not that it was a bad performance, but that they were my friends and everything they did was bad. That really was the highlight of the night, as my friends and I left for the rest of the show to jeer at their bad singing skills.

        Chinese New Year is our Christmas, although instead of presents, we get money which is even better. We go to the church, have delicious food, and most of all, be thankful and have a great time together. Oh, and also jeer at your friends.







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