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2016 Year of Monkey Celebrated w/ Yo-Yo(抖空竹過猴年)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年05月13日07:00:29 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        I must admit, the Chinese New Year Gala is amazing, hosted by Guanghua Chinese School of PA. However, it is so stressful for the students who are going to perform on the stage. You know, it’s really tough when your parents act like the people on Shark Tank all the time, not interested in anything. You get an A, they want an A+. You get an A+, they want an A++. You find the cure to AIDs, they want you to find the cure to cancer. I mean, you get used to it after a bit, yet it’s very frustrating especially when the parents are rarely impressed. In general, the Chinese are characteristic of pessimism. Instead of seeing how good someone does a skill, they always look at what they don’t do well. To be honest, I want those judgers to try to match my skills after today.

        Don’t do you best, do my best. That’s my challenge to all those similar people to my mom who went Aiden, you messed up! Well, it’s no one like you can do these Yo-Yo tricks after only a five-minute practice. The show started off fair enough. Nothing was out of the ordinary other than the obvious threat of being embarrassed in front of a crowd. It was another Chinese Yo-Yo performance. You know, the performance can really make some people go nuts. For example, a kid just couldn’t complete his trick, although I was still doubtful he practiced. Instead, he took one of my tricks, and so I had to improvise. The new move wasn’t hard at all… unless you were performing in five minutes. It was called the… Chopsticks. Actually, I just made it up on the spot. Anyway, you held the sticks like… chopsticks, and hopped the Yo-Yo up between the sticks, then on top, and if talented, went back down. It was accompanied by a trick done last year which I did. Therefore it should be no problemo, right?

        I wasn’t nervous. Yeah, yeah, everyone said that, but seriously, I wasn’t nervous. At least until all the solos before me messed up here or there. The kid who tried my trick dropped the Yo-Yo and almost had it roll off stage (that would’ve sucked). And thus, without any pressure (sarcasm), I flawlessly went through the older trick, and later moved on to the… Chopsticks (maybe I should find a better name). So, going up was no problem. It was then that I realized how squished my index finger was between the sticks. Ouch! As you guessed it, on the way down, the Yo-Yo went plop on the floor. The room went silent for a second, and all you could hear was the music. Soon, a gasp erupted from the crowd. All I could think was how at least they didn’t say I was a disgrace to the Yo-Yo team. After all, it was a very Chinese-thing to say.

        And there you have it folks. Now I’m famous for not because I completed a trick, but because I missed one. All I can say is that no one who thought I was bad could match my best. So until I actually see some skill, I’m throwing out all the criticism, as there’s no weight behind the punch.






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