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MathCounts Chapter Regional Competition(分区初中数学竞赛)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年05月13日07:09:15 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

Aiden in English

        One thing bad about being Chinese is that you have to be the next Einstein. Chinese culture has always been advanced since the beginning of civilization, and it is still one of the most powerful today. The people are smart and learn quickly. I’m sorry to say, though, because I am not one of those people.

        MathCounts® is a great competition for math for a grade of 6-8th in middle school. At the beginning of the season, I asked my teacher, Mr. Allen, what the questions were all about, and his answer kind of scared me. It’s just straight-forward, hard-core math. Gulp. Turns out it isn’t only for nerds, but for nerdy-nerds. I had already been crowned fourth place in the 7th and 8th-grade division in the school, which is……not too good. It did guarantee a spot on the team to the Chapter Competition, though, which was basically the region. The format was fairly simple, as it should be. We don’t want students using all their brainpower on the schedule and point values, now do we? The competition was based upon three rounds; the first round contained a thirty question test, known as the Sprint Round, with a time limit of forty minutes. Then was the second round of eight questions, known as the Target Round, spaced out into two on a paper, and handed out separately. Each pair of two questions had to be completed within six minutes. The final round was a team round of four people. I, surprisingly, I was not selected to the team, even though I did get fourth. I do have a theory about it. Although I advanced in the school tournament, it was in the countdown round, where the 10th seed plays the 9th seed, in which the winner plays the 8th seed, in which plays the 7th etc…, and it pushed me up. Being good at Math 24 helped a lot, giving me the advantage of reading quickly and making fast mental calculations. The Sprint and Target Rounds didn’t catch up with my skill at speed. They put me in the 8th seed, and it was only because of my speed that helped me to move up. People like me, well, kind of suck, since only the top ten can show off their speed, and I was actually a lot faster than some of those who made it up there. Yes, I wasn’t in the top ten. Actually, I wasn’t even in the top 25%. Now, I’m not really going to talk much about the Countdown Round, since the information is classified until all schools are finished. All I can say is to those that are prepping for their own fight, you’re not good enough.

        Those who made the top ten are geniuses. I mean, my school isn’t that big into MathCounts®, and so most people weren’t serious. But mom later said how some middle schools took this competition rather rigorously. They would practice not only at school but at home. So do I. However, mom never sits down with me and spends an hour pointing out how I write my equations wrong.

        I know I’ll probably never become one of those top ten. But after today, I’ve seen what the competition looks like. I’ll be ready next year since I’m still going to be in the qualifying grades. With that said and done, all I can do is to try my best next year.








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