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2016 Reading Olympics(2016年閱讀奧林匹克賽)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年05月14日07:18:33 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        I hate how nerds always require books to be in their faces all the time. Then again, that’s kind of the entire point of Reading Olympics in Montgomery County of PA. While people say what they want to say, I sort of have to agree.

        To even have a chance of winning at Reading Olympics, you must read what you are told. A lot. So, when people say nerds read 24/7, they aren’t entirely wrong. The list of books ranges around the mid-forties for middle school students, and the genres are spread out extremely even. I love fiction, especially Sci-fi, and it sucks when there are literally two books, The Giver and Hero, that relate to Sci-fi. Even better, I never can bring myself to check out one of the boring books, because, in my opinion, they are boring. I read a lot, just not the ones the official wants me to read.

        Basically, our team captain read all the books. How I have no idea. Nevertheless, the set-up of the competition is that there are three rounds. Each round, twenty questions are alternatingly asked, two teams. If either one gets one wrong, the other team may “steal” the question. The objective is the collectively obtain above fifty points in three rounds.

        I’ve been known to be lucky because two years ago, our team was… not so good, and with only twenty-seven points after the first two rounds, everything looked bleak. But then, a miracle occurred, as we went up against probably the worst team out there, and went on a streak, gaining 24 points. That was the first time I entered the competition successfully.

        We weren’t so lucky this year. Going down the stretch, we faced tough teams. Although we lost, it wasn’t by much. As a matter of fact, the results of the rounds aren’t the most important and it’s the number of points scored. And we sucked in that category. Our first two rounds got us twenty-eight points, which, although it is more than what we got two years ago, was quite a trash. We needed to get all our questions correct, plus to steal two from the other team.

        We started off strong, collecting ten of the seventeen questions in the last round. At this rate, we would easily reach the goal. The issue was, the other team finally began to get correct answers, which meant fewer points for us. It was intense in the final minutes, as the final four points we needed were also the final four questions. But the choice was not ours to make, and the other team, quite unfortunately, answered correctly.

        The moment you realize that what you’ve been preparing for the entire school year comes out as a disappointment is horrible. It seems as if a flower inside your soul shrivels up and dies. It hurts.









2016-03-15_Reading Olympics @ Wissahickon High School0001.JPG

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