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Courtesy Call @ Costco(好市多免費商品)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年05月15日06:40:20 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        So, PSSA’s all rolling around, and they suck. I mean, sure, they determine how good your school is. But do we really need three hours to answer six questions as for the seventh and eighth graders? A piece of advice my friends gave me in the fourth grade was to bring gum. This year, mom and I happened to run out. Therefore, on her way at Costco, mom swiftly snatched up a box of Trident, as well as unplanned supplies like a bag of cute cumbers and a bowl of cherry tomatoes.

        The staffs of Costco at Montgomeryville know us pretty well. I remember when I was younger, the guy checking the receipt at the exit would sometimes draw a smiley face on the back from time to time, making me laugh. Now, I’m too cool to go to the store, and thus I stay home and do whatever. Mom went shopping for gum and groceries. Apparently, there was a mistake. As mom was checking out, the cashier cheerfully chatted with mom about the flower dress and violet coat mom had put on and didn’t add on the third item: the Trident. As usual, mom got the receipt and hardly took a second look at it. When mom went to the lady standing at the doorway that checked the receipts, she noticed it was missing an item. As soon as the manager was called and made a copy of her receipt, the gum came free. According to him, it was a “Customer First Policy” where all mistakes are made up this way. Mom believed it was unnecessary, as she could simply just pay for it anyway, plus it would save time, but instead, we got a discount. Mom has been a frequent shopper at Costco for more than 20 years and never experienced it before.

        Here, why am I telling you this unexpected incident? Well, for one, it is not a Costco commercial, but I don’t discourage you from going there. The entire point of mom going to the store was to get gum, and the fact that it came for free was quite something. Besides, even if it was another of the items that weren’t scanned, she wouldn’t have minded if it was returned. I guess life can really throw a twist at you, at times for the good too.







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