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2016 Field Day @ GHCS(2016年光華校運會)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年05月15日06:56:57 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        The temperature has been quite up and down this year. In February, we’ve experienced near ten-degree weather, then a sudden rise to the mid-sixties, but it all comes crashing back down in March and April along with a flutter of snow. The window is small, but Field Day for Guanghua Chinese School this year has to be done sometime, right?

        The day was perfect. Not only did it not snow, but there was sunshine. This really was surprising since just a week ago, parkas and jackets were still being zipped up to the nose. In fact, the temperature at one point broke 75oF, which was awesome and “uncool”. Mostly, it was the sun, beating down powerful UV rays of doom. In addition, allergies made the day miserable.

        Luckily, I was smart enough to bring a tennis ball, or else we would’ve killed ourselves from waiting from one sport to another. Field Day is a program of “totally” original games put together, such as Tug of War, Steeplechase Relay, Three-Legged Race, and Gunny Sacks Race. It is a competition between grades. We kind of win every time, so it really doesn’t matter all that much. The main highlight, and only highlight, of the day, came at the Tug of War station. Most American kids have enough food to eat, but I highly doubt that the other team’s parents didn’t give them any food or protein for the past year. I guess I was a part of the world’s quickest Tug of War, winning each round within four seconds. Needless to say, my help wasn’t needed. There was no good reason to get rope-burn over something that was already in hand.

        Other than that, the kids of our class frolicked around, chucking my tennis ball, throwing another kid’s Frisbee. The games won us some tickets which could be handed in food and drinks, and it actually was pretty fun. I mean, lobbing a ball back and forth between friends, sipping Gatorade and eating cookies and chips. It can’t be beaten. As a matter of fact, it can, as a day later I finally realize that I received a serious case of sunburn.

        Every other year, Field Day might be the very day that most kids in Guanghua Chinese School don’t really look forward to. I didn’t look forward to this day either, but when it passed, I tinged of longing for the fun remained, wishing for another. Just without the sunburn. Yet instead of wishing to repeat the day, I feel a sense of wanting to come back next time…since I‘ll be a volunteer.








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