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Pittsburgh, PA(宾州匹兹堡)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年05月16日15:20:34 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话



Aiden in English

        Pittsburgh is a great city in Pennsylvania that is commonly overshadowed by the great Philadelphia. Come to think of it, the City of Champions is just as good if not better than the City of Brotherly Love. Pittsburgh has fabulous architectures and spectacular skyline, as well as the old money and natural resources. Not to mention sports teams that actually are meant to play in the major leagues. In fact, every team in Pittsburgh holds a strong force in its sports league, such as the Steelers who have won six Super Bowls, the Penguins who have qualified for five Stanley Cup Finals, and the Pirates who have a victorious percentage over 0.500 in the World Series. Much better than what our Eagles, Flyers, and Phillies have. Pittsburgh, although a great city of sports, also has a very intriguing location in the US.

        Sitting next to the Appalachian Mountains, the City of Bridges is a gateway to the rest of North America. At the confluence of both Allegheny River and Monongahela River, the Ohio River is formed as the largest tributary. It drains through the city, which then connects to the Mississippi River and the rest of the continent. This place was where Louis and Clark set off their expedition. The area also has many natural resources like lumber, iron ore, coke, and petroleum. Such evidence can be found in the second Industrial Revolution where Pittsburgh was transformed into a town of steel mills, hence the name “Steel City”. The pollution of the time was horrendous, hospitalizing many people as well had been lethal to a few. Nevertheless, money was pouring through the city, and our tour guide George referred to it as “old money” that made Pittsburgh the third wealthiest city on earth back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Pittsburgh, believe or not, is much richer than Philadelphia, since the old money has been carried over and gone unspent for half a century. Many landmarks were built off of this money, such as Carnegie Science Center, Heinz Field, PNC Park, etc. The mangers can buy and sign good players, and with a good team, they require good stores. Our trip included a quick stop at a famous Pittsburgh sports shop, Yinzers in the Burgh, where literally anything you can buy has a Pittsburgh team logo printed on it. Shelves containing cards, mugs, sweaters, t-shirts, caps, water bottles, earbuds, computers, fans, pencils, notebooks, gloves, skateboards, and guitars lined the stone walls, and stepping around became a hazard. The store even had a restroom with many sports legends, such as Jerome Bettis. As we approached the check-out, George engaged in a conversation with the cashier. Apparently, about an hour before we arrived, the store was so packed that many had to wait outside. Unfortunately for the waiters, it started raining. The time of the thundershower was right at the scenic view of our tour. After being trolleyed up a hill by Duquesne Incline, we had a gorgeous look over the Golden Triangle. Of course, the typical mischievous storm cloud blocked the background valleys. I guess Mother Nature was trying to “steal” our fun.

        Pittsburgh is certainly better than it seems. With a large fan base behind a great city of sports, as well as a great view over three rivers, it can surprise many people. The Birthplace of America is our home, but the Steel Nation has many attractions that we will never have.





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