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Ohiopyle State Park, PA(賓州俄亥俄溪州立公園)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年05月16日15:26:46 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Ohiopyle SP0001.JPG

Aiden in English

        Ohiopyle State Park is located in Pennsylvania. It sounds weird, doesn’t it? But it should be an interstate park between PA and Ohio since it allows many different kinds of fun to occur. Unfortunately, our time at the park was short, and all we really did was eat lunch. However, the limited schedule did not stop us from viewing its beauty.

        The park visitor center is in a small town with shops and restaurants. Although they are all American styled foods, we dug into piles of fries, cheese, and sandwiches. Obviously not as tasty as Chinese food, but it is a different culture. 

        The Ohiopyle features the best white-water rafting experience in Pennsylvania. With rapids that quickly flow downstream, as well as calm, slow waters, the Youghiogheny River provides a wide variety of fun for families. We, unfortunately, we had neither the time nor the skill to raft down the river. Instead, we walked along the river bank to get better views of the rapids. The two obstacles we encountered were naturistic. The first was the heat. It has been nearly an entire half-year since we have faced any type of UV-ray strong enough to give sunburn. The bright light bounced off of stones and the water, gleaming and lashing, blinding our sight. The next issue was the slippery stones. With water constantly splashing over onto the rocks, the result contained mosses, mud, and smooth areas, each presenting its own challenge. The smooth stones caused many near dips in the river, as well as the mosses, and the mud was quite disgusting. Mom and I walked a good few hundred yards of this terrain, and I really understood its treacherous attributes when my grandma decided to sit back and wait for our return.

        I don’t really think it was worth having to nearly fall in the river to see such a quick view. Our goal was a small building hanging over the river with an indoor viewing balcony. The AC in the place was crazy good, so that made up what it lacked, such as a bathroom. I wasn’t looking, but the urgency was there. The viewing platform descended downwards. This angle caught the Ohiopyle Falls on the Youghiogheny River right in the center, viewing it so the entire width of the river could fit in one picture and still not seem squished. The beauty of the falls was not the height or the amount of water, but the width. With a long body, the water seemed to be rolling over some kind of long, naturistic pipe. Now although the “pipe” had many dents in it, the waterfall/rapid was smoothly falling downwards, not being interrupted. After floating away from the disturbance of the falls, the water seemed to be a lot more still, almost as if resting peacefully after a long day.

       Ohiopyle, in the first few minutes I’ve been there, has set a great first impression. If anyone has a chance to go to Pittsburgh, stop by and try out some fun activities here. In fact, the park is good enough to be the main reason for a trip, so don’t be caught stuck this summer with nowhere to go! By the way, it only takes 10 minutes to arrive at the Fallingwater, the most prominent architects in American modern history.


        俄亥俄溪州立公園地處賓州境內,聽起來挺奇怪的,對不?但好歹應該算作賓州與俄亥俄州州際公園,因為很多耐玩的娛樂項目不勝枚舉。可惜我們時間倉促,到這裡來純屬為了吃頓午飯填飽肚子,儘管如此, 五月底的俄亥俄溪州立公園“花發顏為醉,風吹面不寒”,我們情不自禁地愛上了它。



        為瞄上一眼公園概貌而不惜冒着掉進河裡的危險,我覺得實在不值。我們的目標是前往公園一間小屋,其觀測台向外凸出,恰巧凌駕於河面之上,室內裝有空調,令人感覺涼爽愜意,可以彌補諸如廁所設施不足的缺憾。我因想去方便,顧不上看這看那。觀景台向下延伸,其角度適中,可謂不歪不偏正好欣賞約克加尼河俄亥俄溪瀑布全景,瀑布養眼之處不在於其高度或者流量,而在於它的寬度。河床蜿蜒,河水猶如在天然水管中長征跋涉,現在“水管” 幾處出現溢口,瀑布/湍流就勢落入低谷,泛起層層波瀾,隨後河水趨於平靜,好像在忙碌一整天之後,也到了歇息收工的時刻。


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