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Fallingwater, PA(宾州落水山莊)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年05月16日15:50:26 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


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Aiden in English

        Money can buy you many things. But, as the saying goes, it can’t buy happiness. What it can buy are things that make happiness. Such items like a cell phone, or food, or a mansion, all bring happiness. As for the Kaufmann’s, a rich family that owned a chain of the department stores in Pittsburgh back to the 1930s, their excessive amount of money could afford a great house, buying not only a home but also a sense of happiness.

        Fallingwater is a natural park where tourists pour in every day to see a house. Most people hear this statement and immediately lose interest. Hear me out, as you will soon see how the reservation and an entrance fee of $25 dollars were worth it a couple of days before you visit it during the Memorial holiday long weekend. 

        The Kaufmann’s loved nature, so for vacation, they built a home in the middle of nowhere to escape the city life. The house was designed by a great architect Frank Lloyd Wright. The entire tour of the house was about Wright’s organic design of the house, masterfully carving in his influences on the residents of the home.

        The tour began in the living room. The phrase “room” does not correctly describe the house, though. More accurately, it should be called a section. Walls were a rare thing in the different parts of the house, as Wright thought they blocked off the connection between humans. Also, he loved to express the outside world. Walls got in the way of viewers, and especially for people like the Kaufmann’s, who were nature-lovers, walls were a large obstacle in their intake of nature’s looks. Wright’s design of the furniture also impacted the scenic view of people. With low chairs, tables, couches, and no shades, the room was completely empty of items that can block one’s sight of the window and the outer scene. What’s so important about the scene? Well, the spot chosen for this amazing house was on a waterfall. Picture a stream trickling over rocks, forming a small drop about ten feet or so. Then add a boxy house on the mesa literally hanging over the water. I mean, no support on or in the water. The Kaufmann’s had one of these rooms, where the bathtub was basically a large bowl with a hole to allow water to flow through. The house had to descend stairs straight into the Bear Run, and also foldable windows allowing direct contact with the spring breeze. Upstairs was just as nice. The bedrooms were small, forcing our attention outside to the light of nature. The craftiness of the building almost scared me. Wright manipulated us even after his death, which quite freaked me out. In a good way. Not only did he make us look outside, but also woke up later in the day. The beds were arranged so the sun rises in a spot where you couldn’t see it. Ideally, it would be great, but there is a thing called school…

        Fallingwater was once a rich man’s home. Now on display, it shows a great piece of American architecture that is unmatched. With the tour around the organic house, this experience really will “hang” with me.







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