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2016 GHCS Commencement(2016屆光華中文學校畢業典禮)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年05月17日09:46:01 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


【Aiden in English】

        Graduation is a long time away. I mean, seeing how the seventh grade was a boring struggle at the regular school, I can’t seem to grasp the idea of ending my career in school. Instead, I saw other retirements in Guanghua Chinese School, as the ninth grade was graduating. Ironically, most are coming back for AP classes this fall, but no one really cares. As an 8th grader at school, I am granted the privilege to help traffic as well as set up today. It really is interesting since our school isn’t the richest.

        Obviously, the school is not ours, so we cannot do anything too crazy. Not to mention the money is all coming from the families. The school has four main floors, and the graduating class is lined up all along the second. A two-lane flight of stairs leads to the lobby, and instead of ribbon, we had caution taped a lane to stop traffic and to make it seem somewhat more important. None of the kids get the idea of secluding off the section of the “red carpet”, it with all said and done, it really doesn’t matter.

        CEO’s cut the ribbon for new companies. Friends cut the ribbon for party celebrations. Governors cut the ribbon for grand openings. I cut the black and yellow caution tape for a group of ninth-graders who are all blue, outside and inside. The ceremony of release (The Giver reference) was a simple “give out plastic trophies that get recycled after five years” thing, where everyone had a “great” time. Unfortunately, when our Principle Heng asked if Chinese School was worth it, no one understood what she was saying. Irony at its best. Following the awkward moment was the long phase of awards, and to the graduating class’s distress, the viewing of their baby pictures. Although people expected the feeling to be moving, I was not quite changed. Maybe they should change it up so it wasn’t the same thing for the past seven years. The only time I moved at all was on the way to the restroom.

        At last, I got an Excellence Award that meant nearly nothing, as literally another one hundred kids received. As a security officer, I had one of those glow-in-the-dark vests that signified special access and authority to tell kids to shut up. I promptly handed it over to mom, as she needed it more than I did. Being a photographer, there was much to do, as each parent was expecting a bajillion of pictures of his/her beautiful children. It is technically graduation, but America has a wonderful thing known as AP classes. If we don’t take the AP class, our entire time at this school was wasted. So, everyone would be coming back, graduated or not. Well, I guess we’re stuck together for one more year. Very motivating.

        The end of something is usually not celebrated, but graduation is a great feat for students. Unfortunately, some schools have kids come back after graduation, which is quite anti-climactic. However, it still is a memory that is much greater than any recyclable trophy.








2015 GHCS Commencement—Bitter-Sweet-Salty(羨慕嫉妒愛)

2014 GHCS Commencement—Bamboo(2014屆光華畢業典禮—蜀苑)

2013 GHCS Commencement—Potpourri(2013屆光華畢業典禮拾遺)

2012屆光華中文學校畢業典禮(2012 GHCS Commencement)

2010屆光華中文學校畢業典禮(2010 GHCS Commencement)

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