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Middle of Nowhere, Baltic Sea(從挪威到德國波羅的海航行)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年05月19日07:44:42 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


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【Aiden in English】

        You know how tough it is to find something to do on a cruise ship when you have an entire day to yourself! Although one may think that there is so much to do. After doing things once or twice, however, there really is nothing to do at all. So, rather than having fun, I was trying to find things to occupy my time. 

        When you do the math, food only lasts a Chinese person thirty minutes at each meal of the day. Although it sounds quite racists, it is true, since we like to eat food. A lot of food is consumed at extremely quick rates, and we don’t talk much at the table. Trying to make small talk with other Chinese people seems like trying to sag the letter 'm' without having your lips touch teeth, tongue, or the other lip. Plus, usually, the only thing we ever talk about around the table is about what food we eat. Therefore, the food goes quickly, but the time does not, and we simply cannot seem to get a dinner lasting more than a few short conversations without guests. Generally speaking, with all the meals accounted for, there wasn't much time spent on food. 

        Looking at what I did today, dining may have been the highlight, but the main pastime would be me chucking up a random shot at the basketball courts. The court is not big. In fact, the full court line would probably the width of a bracket all court, but it is playable. Most sports events take place there, including sport competitions and family activities. There is something for everyone, even the old. They play a game known as pickleball, or a mix of tennis, badminton, and ping pong. It is a smart game for the old, but it also is offensive in the fact that they are too weak to play tennis, too slow to play badminton, and too clumsy to play ping pong. Obviously, with great wisdom in age comes great hatred of the young, and all basketball players were yelled to get off the court or else... not that they really scared us since an old man waving a racket around is not very intimidating. Yet it is still very enjoyable to watch that one young man playing this sport, absolutely taking over the game. 

        The other interesting part of the cruise is the number of Chinese people. Earlier, I wrote about how we didn't have long meals because we didn't talk much about other things at buffets or restaurants, so it is easy to see the Chinese as we go around the dining rooms. There are a ton and not just Chinese. Japanese, Koreans, all come to this Baltic cruise because it is popular in eastern Asia. Not only can you tell by the odd pronunciations of English, but also the number of chopstick users there are in the buffet. The stock needs a constant supplement, as it is always running out. This is proof of the idea that the Asian cultures are ascending and are taking over the world. Ironically, the Chinese population is going to dip...






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