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2016 Winter Concert of Eighth Grade(2016初三冬季音樂會)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年06月07日07:57:20 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


【Aiden in English】

        Music for the past few years has really been growing on me. Since the start of piano lessons, there was always a part sectioned off for music. But unfortunately, it became more of a liability as time passed, and the time to practice got slimmer and slimmer.

        Then I entered the band in the fourth grade. It wasn’t all “oh my goodness, I am now going to be a dedicated musician for life”. This event simply said, “Hey, you still have more music in you to be played”.

        Now I sit, in the Wind Ensemble concert, waiting for the all-too symbolic raise of the conductor’s arms. The Winter Concert was the one we as a band prepared for around 3 months, in which we desperately planned which and what songs to use. In the end, the band decided on a few, holiday songs, and a special movie track sounding piece.

        The very special movie like song deserves a lot of attention, and I must say, there really aren’t many things that get your blood moving like a musical war. The piece titled “Arrows” by Samuel R. Hazo was a fierce, raging musical one that captured a lot of the sounds of battle, from the blazing main melody to the pounding of the bass drums. The saxophone section mainly focused on the strong melody, countered by the trombones, providing leverage from behind. Most of the strong are quite rampaging and messy, but somewhere in between, a soothing scene develops seemingly out of nowhere.

        At this point during the rehearsal, the song seemed to be … less of a set tone and more of a random bunch of beautiful melodies. Just one simple change was made to the song. We cut out around fifteen measures of music. Why you may ask? Well, it sounds a lot like “elevator music”. Obviously, it is quite rude to put it this way, but there is simply no other way of saying it. Therefore, the cut was made, and the audience was saved from the painstaking elevator tune that could be heard in … an elevator. Luckily, the cut was not awkward, nor was it noticeable. But as a band, we knew what was going on.


        During rehearsal, the risers behind the saxophones were set up, so the instruments like the trombones and trumpets could point their bells at the audience. Well, the seat kept sliding back, and back, and back, until one kid’s chair’s back legs fell into the crevasse between the risers. He was okay, but it gave everyone a laugh.

        Upon finishing another round of “Arrows”, I leaned back and rested my arm on the riser behind me. My shoulder was cramping, and the rehearsal was basically finished. Laying my hand on the riser, I heard a faint splat as it landed in a pile of spit from the trombonist behind me.











2015 Winter Concert of Seventh Grade(2015年初二冬季音樂會)

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