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Beverly Hills & Hollywood, CA(加州比佛利山莊與好萊塢)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年06月07日08:20:51 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Map of Beverly Hills & Hollywood0001.JPG

【Aiden in English】

        First things first, Merry Christmas.

        The funny thing is, I'm usually no home when celebrating Christmas. Last year went down south to Maryland, and this year, once again, it would be some places in Southern California where this is written. Los Angeles, the exotic tourist destination, seemingly blended the Christmas cheer with its everyday life, such as areas in downtown L.A, Beverly Hills, and Hollywood.

        My house, to say the least, is not modest. Not going to lie, its size pretty much matches those of Beverly Hills. But the major factors of the residency of superstars that separate the living standards are the location and architecture. Those living in this millionaire magnet neighborhood can walk to the most expensive shops in L.A, all within five minutes. They have many city parks surrounding their homes, so there is a balance between nature and city life. 

        Secondly, my neighborhood appears to be a copy and paste from house to house. Brick front, garage on the side, triangular roofs, and an occasional balcony. Beverly is quite different, with each and every house unique. Some take on a miniature castle, others may even resemble a box. Yet all of them have something in common, and it costs a lot more than "something".

        Most of these living in Beverly Hills all have ways of making a large coin. Yet no one quite makes as much money as those actors in Hollywood. Well, at least the famous ones. Following them are the popular artists and the very lucky people who inherited fortunes from previous family members. And if they really wished, and if enough people knew them, then they could have their names engraved on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Literally, stars lined on Hollywood Blvd with all of American actors and artists. From Michael Jackson to Tom Cruise, every person on TV or on the big screen has had his or her name on a star. I find it ironic, however, how all the pedestrians stand over the very people they look up to.  Along the street of stars were probably the hottest movie areas in the country. On the right, there was Grauman's Chinese Theatre. On the left was an enormous cinema called the El Capitan Theatre, featuring Star Wars, Rogue One. All around, characters from the classics waltzed the streets, obviously charging for pictures. An aroma of hot dogs and roasting meat filled the air, provoking more than just a few growling stomachs. Next to the theaters was a large shopping mall of Hollywood and Highland, having the most expensive stores, as well as a schematic image of the Hollywood Sign. Although it isn't as good as the Griffith Observatory's view, it surely can provide any tourist a great photo.

        What's in L.A? 

        There's the Hollywood Walk of Fame. There are those Beverly Hills houses, each looking like from a different era. There's also a bunch of Stars Wars fans, too.






        多數居住在比佛利山莊的人都有本事發財,不過誰也比不過好萊塢善於呼風喚雨的演員,大腕肯定獨領風騷,其次就是遐邇聞名的藝人,還有那些繼承家業的幸運兒,如果他們成心想讓世人皆知,那麼乾脆把自己的名字刻在好萊塢星光大道上。千真萬確,好萊塢大道鋪滿星星,無一不是全美備受注目的演藝圈人士,從邁克爾·傑克遜到湯姆·克魯斯,大凡電視電影功成名就的藝人爭相在這裡留芳,然而有一點我覺得滑稽搞笑,行人怎麼忍心把倍受自己寵愛的明星踩在腳下。該地帶恐怕算作全國最火的影院所在地,馬路右邊為格勞曼中國大劇院,而左邊則是超級埃爾·卡皮坦劇院,時下正上演《星球大戰:俠盜一號》;打扮成各個經典角色的男女人物在街上翩翩起舞,顯然他們憑藉這身行頭招徠照相生意;熱狗烤肉香味撲鼻而來,孰不知要勾出多少饞蟲上鈎。好萊塢高地購物中心離影院不遠,高檔商店比比皆是,從這裡放眼望去還能看到“好萊塢” 標誌,雖說視覺效果不如格里菲斯天文台,但拍照留影仍不失為極好去處。




LA—Griffith Observatory, CA(加州洛杉磯—格里菲斯天文台)

2016-12-25_Hollywood_Grauman's Chinese Theatre-40001.JPG

2016-12-25_Hollywood Blvd_Food Stand0001.JPG

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