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Ronald Reagan Presidential Library(加州里根总统图书馆)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年06月08日07:30:58 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Map of Reagan Library0001.JPG

【Aiden in English】

        California has provided the country with a ton of celebrities and very important people. They dominate the big screens to the news, the government to the halls of fame. Yeah, California has given or housed some of the most important figures in the present day and even history.

        Ronald Reagan was the 40th president of the United States. Being a Californian, he quickly made his way up the popularity chain. After retiring after two terms, he let his library be built in Simi Valley, CA. Because of his career and popularity, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library has been becoming quite an attraction for tourists all around the country. A lot of money comes through tickets, so the condition and furnishings of the library are perfect. And with a little extra to spend, they can add many screens and videos to help us, tourists, along.

        Being a person who lives in America, Reagan's legacy and accomplishments are all somewhat familiar. Upon a quick racking of my brain, I can tell you off the bat that he's a good president that solved many tough issues to the country. That's about it.

        The library proved to be an enormous building for learning. After graduating from Eureka College, Reagan applied for a job as a commentator. Getting the position, he was appointed to the Chicago Cubs home games. Following his sports career, GE, an electrical company, sought him out to run shows, using his voice to broadcast commercials. In the following years, he found an ability to act and began a career in the movie industry. Hollywood took his skills, featuring him in many movies, where Reagan learned humor.

        World War II hit, and Reagan was drafted into the military. But because of his poor eyesight, he was kept out of combat. After the war, the movie industry was devastated, which basically marked the start of Reagan's political career. He began campaigning for many Californian issues, forming a committee. In the next few years, he was elected as California Governor and soon ran for the president. And that's where we are now. Even with a few bumps and bruises along the way, like an attempted assassination, Reagan settled many of the countries and even some global problems.

        All this information was all stuffed into the library, and I probably didn't tell the story very accurately, so go online to see the full story. The library also had the entire 3rd floors dedicated to a retired Air Force One, in which we promptly waited a full twenty minutes to see five minutes of the president's flying office. I must say, the movies really overdo what the plane is about. All it looks like is an Emirates First Class suite. But Reagan really was the most frequent flyer of all the presidents, praising how much the plane has given him time to answer letters from the public. However, this plane was retired in 2001 when a new plane was made and set into use.

        And this coming year, the current Air Force One will fly the rich Donald Trump around the world.





        图书馆空间很大,有助于人们瞻仰学习。里根从尤里卡学院毕业之后便申请评论员工作,刚被录取就参与 “芝加哥小熊”主场棒球比赛,干了一段时间,通用电气公司找上门要他主持节目,利用他的嗓音播报广告。接下来几年,里根发现了自己演戏潜质,于是又开始闯荡电影业,好莱坞让他在多部电影里一展演技,从中学会了幽默。





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2016-12-26_Simi Valley & Santa Susana Mountains-30001.JPG

2016-12-26_Ronald Reagan Presidential Library_Entrance0001.JPG

2016-12-26_Ronald & Nancy Reagan's Tomb0001.JPG

2016-12-26_Ronald Reagan Presidential Library_Sign0001.JPG

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