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Warner Bros. Studio, CA(加州华纳兄弟工作室)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年06月08日16:25:00 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Map of WB Studio0001.JPG

【Aiden in English】

        The movie industry in L.A. is something special. With Hollywood just around the corner, Universal Studios hanging about, the films and shows made here are broadcasted all over the world. But the films have to be taken somewhere, and that somewhere is Warner Brothers.

        To movie producers, the Warner Bros Studio is paradise. With multiple sets and an infinite supply of props, there's nothing money can't buy. The day is all about Warner's filming stages and scenes, plus props and some effects behind-the-scenes stuff. Just going to say, if you are a fan of comics or superhero movies, then this place is for you.

        So the day started with a video about all the best movies shot on the Warner Bros. Studio. Within the half-second clips from famous actors saying lines that may as well as have gone into the record books, I saw many popular movies, from the Harry Potter series (2001-2016) to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005). Nearly all the famous actors and actresses had come through Warner studios at some movies in their lives. Today was going to be a day about discovering the gears shifting behind the final cinematic production, even if it meant seeing some off-limit areas to the public.

        It all began with the background of the scene. Warner Bros Studio put together in Burbank where it was featured in many shows and movies. The TV shows like Friends (1994-2004), Full House (1987-1995), and Gilmore Girls (2000-2007) were filmed around the small town, providing the backdrop for nearly all of their seasons. Some houses were fit for specific purposes, and some even have two different faces. Literally, if a person was to walk through a particular house, he would see that the two sides were actually two different fronts for two different houses. Thus, it saves room for filming scenes. The studio also included towns, streets looking as if in the early 1900s, where multiple shoots added more and more flavor to the scenery. Each time a movie was shot, some items were left behind, and they usually would stay permanently. That's why the studio in parts looked the way it does now. 

        Some of the more hit movies got a special section, like the Dark Knight Trilogy (2005-2012). In a very dark Picture Car Vault, nearly all of Batman's special vehicles were parked, some of which had the power to drive up to 200 mph. Each one cost over 250 thousand dollars since most of the cars had regular car bases. The Archives Building was also sectioned off for Harry Potter (2001), showing certain props and costumes of characters.

        There was a lot more to see, but the lone subject that stood out was the editing. Behind each scene, a team of experts edited and glued together the scenes to create the movie that we all loved. To start, there was motion editing, or motion capture (Mocap for short). This involved having the actor wear a special suit with dots, and later edited to a different look. Such characters like the dragon Smaug of The Hobbit (2012) used this technique, which revolutionized the movie industry. We also went through the Art of Sound, briefly explaining the sound editing done. The movie "Gravity" (2014) used an orchestra, the actor's voices, and a special sound pulse learned from an astrophysicist who has something to do with listening through the body. So, when watching the clip about the main character swinging into space on a piece of debris, each revolution of the broken ship brought a strong "wwwwrrrrooooommmmmppppp" shaking through the audience. Spoiler alert, the main character made it back to Earth.

        So what's in L.A?

        There's Warner Bros. Studio, which makes most of Hollywood's movies. Not to depress anyone, but most of your favorite Warner Brothers movies are probably not shot on the actual scene. Have you ever wondered why the people never waved at the tens of flying cameras? Exactly.

        So, L.A has a lot of things.

        Now I know.












Santa Monica—Home of the Homeless, CA(加州圣莫尼卡流浪者之家)

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library(加州里根总统图书馆)

Beverly Hills & Hollywood, CA(加州比佛利山庄与好莱坞)

L.A.—Griffith Observatory, CA(加州洛杉矶—格里菲斯天文台)


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