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2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-3(2017年鄉村娛樂籃球第三場比賽)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年06月10日13:05:37 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


【Aiden in English】

        There is no such thing as a perfect world anymore. I have always understood that everything has a problem in one way or another. Whether it is the first or the third world, that is not up to me. The point is, in one way or another, our lives are not perfect, and there is no reason why one should not hit setbacks.

        Finally, my basketball team and I lost a match today. After convincingly beating the first opponent, Game 2 showed signs of cracking, with grinding shots and lots of grit. We barely managed to pull out from a loss. I guess no one is perfect, and we suffered the first L in the loss column. I can’t really say we “played well” either. From the first possession, the game began to go against us. The other team ran an unfamiliar zone in which the top two defenders pressed up at the half-court line, setting up an instant trap. Obviously, we were not expecting any pressure and therefore turned the ball over on the first pass. The result was an easy lay-up for the other team.

        Funny story. Because the opposing side wore a dark green jersey, while we wore a light green, the refs made the other team flip the jerseys inside-out, and so we basically saw them as the white team. There were no numbers on their backs though, which made for some odd officiating, but the game flowed somewhat smoothly. Not so much for us. Their half-court trap really gave us problems throughout the first quarter, and before we knew it, we were down 10 points. In the back of my head, it vaguely felt like the first game, where we dominated, just flipped around. The coach said to keep our cool, which was kind of hard considering we had yet to put up a single point. But the team was hopeful since we hadn’t revealed our trump card yet. (Trump. No pun intended.)

        After finally hitting a free throw, we set up the full-court press. The idea was to force the ball handler to pass to the sides, where we could set a trap with two people and the help of the sideline. A person would then be positioned in the center to sniff out any stray or desperation passes. At first, I was quite skeptical it would work, since it was a little shaky in practice. Surprisingly, it somehow worked. The other team consecutively turned the ball over three or four times, with the inbounder staring at the mass of opposing jerseys and freaking out. The ball would bounce around, sometimes in our possession, other times kind of any man’s ball. The number of scrambles was quite large, as the press forced the other team to make fast and, luckily, bad reads. However, the ball just didn’t bounce our way today, and we only took foul shots. There was no offense for us at all, and even when we brought it back to within two points. The other team just washed us away with a few threes and offensive rebounds.

        Sports are games of adjustment and readjustment. The opposing team simply made a readjustment at half-time after seeing the press for a full quarter. All I can say is, really, the day was not ours. Hopefully, when the time comes that there is more on the line, the ball will be more lenient to us than the other team.







2017-01-21_3rd Game Final0001.JPG


2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-2(2017年鄉村娛樂籃球隊第二場比賽)

2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-1(2017年鄉村娛樂籃球隊第一場比賽)

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