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2017 Lunar New Year of Rooster w/ Yo-Yo(抖空竹过鸡年)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年06月10日14:29:54 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        I’ve always been on the Chinese Yo-Yo club since I heard about it in Guanghua Chinese School. Although many people have come and gone, I was the person who never quit. It really isn’t much to be proud of. Yet it’s a passion that I have, which is why I feel somewhat closer to the club than some other activities.

        It is also why I’m now its teacher assistant.

        Being a TA seems like a double-edged sword. I can learn and teach kids, which is oddly soothing at times, as well as follow a hobby that has grown on me. However, it requires many performances, and performances lead to disappointing failures. I think the thrill with the lights shining in your face is an interesting experience. The pressure mounted on the performers is exhilarating, and it really gives you a good scare when the Yo-Yo is in motion on a trick. There’s always that one factor of fear when your friend might mess-up. Funny thing is, usually when I feel scared for others, it’s me who screws up the show the most. Maybe I should do my job well and then worry about others.

        Chinese New Year has come around again, and none of the Yo-yo team is quite enthusiastic. We aren’t quite prepared, to say the least. Most of this year’s song entitled “Sky Is Blue” was about the blue sky, so we finally got down a similar costume for everyone: a white t-shirt and light blue pants. The pants were ordered from a website, which is kind of why they arrived so late. And that was only one of the minor problems. The song being played in the background was about 3 minutes long. We kept going over that limit. The thing is, with performances like the Gala, timing is the key. Therefore, in order to time everything out, we needed a signal to show where the ending was occurring. Not only for the performer but for the little kids as well. Because of the age gap, there were the more experienced folks like me who understood the outline of the show. Then there were the little kids, who basically frolic around in the background during the climax of the performance. This year’s preparation was the reason our teacher decided to not have younger kids or new additions to perform next year; some children just can’t be controlled. Luckily, there wasn’t much embarrassment on stage this time. Those who were expected to screw up pretty much screwed up. For once, I didn’t have any issues with my great combo that I did every year because I had nothing else to do. The highlight, however, came last, and it was a friend of mine performing double Yo-Yos. Its name is quite self-explanatory, as he circled two Yo-Yos on one stick for as long as he could, or until the end of the song. After messing up once, he quickly recovered and tried once more, in which he successfully pulled off a great series of tosses.

        As for the overall performance, I must say, it was one of our best ones yet. Simply because there were no areas where we felt embarrassed, the entire performance seemed to be in our control. It feels good to be able to go out into the lights and deliver.







Today in History(历史上的今天):

2008: 多米尼克首都罗索(Roseau)


The 2016 Year of Monkey Celebrated w/ Yo-Yo(抖空竹过猴年)

The 2015 Year of Goat Celebrated w/ Yo-Yo(抖空竹过羊年)

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