CCP捷报频传举国一片欢腾美国就要灭亡啦! |
送交者: Pascal 2020年06月10日15:48:18 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话 |
旧世界风雨飘摇, 一座座火山爆发, 一顶顶王冠落地。 在整个地球上, 再也找不到一块 帝国主义的“安定的绿洲”了。 整整50年前 —— 1970 中共中央两报一刊伟大预言, 正在2020的美利坚大地上鲜活地应验。 “ 过去这一个星期, 中共所有官媒的宣传内容, 大概 50-80% 吧,全部都是 美国完蛋了!美国死定了! 然后是,美国乱了, 川普总统肯定输了, 我们的好日子全来了,铺天盖地! 在我的山东老家,在四川农村山区里边, 在广西山沟里边,在宁夏那个沙滩里边, 在敦煌那个沙漠里边,美国就要完蛋的宣传 无处不在,包括西藏,啊,都是我们最伟大! 美国死啦,川普完啦,美国经济完了! 到处人吃人了,尸横遍野了 ...... 这就说到了香港6月9号一周年的大背景。 我昨天晚上,几乎四个小时没有停顿地 都在跟人联系,包括好几个深睡中的美国人 我把他们叫醒告诉他们,唉,糊里糊涂地, 我还按错了视频键,人家一下急了, Miles,我在床上呢; 哎呀,真不好意思,我把人家老人家叫醒, 我叫他们看这些新闻视频,哇!他们都惊了 ...... ” 始自 -43:11 莫拉·莫伊尼汉(Maura Moynihan),调查记者,多年来在印度协助西藏流亡者。 曾上班农先生战斗室(179期)节目,另外还接受战友郭览馆(@GuoLibrary)采访, 谈帮助中国人终结共产党 莫伊尼汉最新撰稿文章: 谈中共在美国骚乱中扮演的可能角色,并敦促美国精英认清 现实,捍卫美国。 有证据显示包括美国共产党组织渗透使乔治事件升级 最近几天,因美国黑人弗洛伊德的死亡事件导致骚乱在全美迅速升级。抗议游行在全美 各地的爆发,呼吁结束种族歧视和警察暴力。抗议游行在美国本属于家常便饭,但由于 许多极端主义组织的渗透,以及中共病毒带来的经济危机,美国的内乱不断升级。 各种证据显示,诸如安提法(Antifa)和美国共产党(Communist USA)等无政府主义 者组织的抗议活动并不和平,他们组织严密分工明确配备齐全。他们有组织者、煽动者、 侦察员和通讯队,甚至配有装满岩石和助燃剂等攻击性物品的货车。 在社交媒体热传的一段视频中,可以清晰的听到有人用普通话指挥暴民纵火。中共国外交 部发言人称美国动乱为“一道美丽的风景线”。中共喉舌电视台不遗余力地展示美国的混 乱形象,并试图利用这场危机证明中共政府对香港的镇压是正当的。中共发言人甚至认为 是香港的勇士激化了美国的骚乱。自1989年天安门大屠杀这31年以来第一次,香港人被 拒绝纪念6月4日的悼念活动。但无论如何,成千上万的香港人依然聚集在维多利亚公园进 行守夜活动,完全无视中共的命令。把美国暴力活动和香港的和平示威是等同讨论,是多 么荒谬。 许多美国媒体收取好处成为中共的宣传工具 美国媒体极少报道香港人的英勇行为,它们从中共那里获得了巨额广告收入,并且毫不 羞耻地鹦鹉学舌般重复中共的宣传。在美国,人们可以公开讨论自身的罪恶、公开自己 的灾难,警察杀人可以被指控,有投票权、抗议权。然而在中国,没有选举权,没有新闻 自由,批评共产党是可以被判处死刑的罪行。因此,自由得来不易,不应视为理所当然。 多年来,中共明目张胆地要以“超限战”策略取代美国,成为全球霸主。如果中国继续在 煽动美国骚乱中推波助澜,那么那些曾经帮助和支持共产主义中国崛起的精英们将很快 被迫回答这个问题:“你到底站在哪一边?” On May 25, 2020, the police in Minneapolis, Minnesota, seized George Floyd, a 46-year-old African American citizen, on the suspicion of using counterfeit dollar bills. Floyd lay on the ground in handcuffs while police officer Derek Chauvin pressed his knee into Floyd’s neck for nearly 10 minutes. Bystanders videotaped Floyd repeatedly saying “I can’t breathe” before he finally fell silent and was later pronounced dead at a local hospital. Police officer Chauvin was later arrested and eventually charged with murder. Protest marches filled city streets across the United States, calling for an end to racial profiling and police brutality. On the night of May 31, the protests turned violent in Washington D.C. as a mob torched St. John’s Church (known as the “Church of the Presidents”) in Washington DC’s Lafayette Square, right across from the White House. Violence and looting exploded nationwide, and by June 2, the governors of 24 states had imposed curfews and called in the National Guard. Cities across Europe and elsewhere in the world filled with demonstrations decrying racism in America. A video went viral on the social media of the men who set fire to St. John’s Church shouting orders in Mandarin, and a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman called the unrest in America “a beautiful sight”. The acclaimed legal scholar Michelle Alexander, the author of The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness, details how the War on Drugs, enacted under President Ronald Reagan and greatly expanded under President Bill Clinton, has kept American society shackled to segregation and racial inequality. “Something akin to a racial caste system currently exists in the United States… mass incarceration in the United States emerged as a stunningly comprehensive and well-disguised system of racialised social control that functions in a manner strikingly similar to Jim Crow” -- laws that reinforced racial discrimination after the end of the Civil War in 1865. The rapid escalation of violence in recent days has the American media focused mainly on the militarisation of the police, an issue of concern for legislators and civic groups since 1997, when President Clinton enacted the 1033 programme under the National Defence Authorisation Act that transferred surplus military equipment to state and local police departments. During George W. Bush’s War on Terror, $5 billion in military grade weaponry was donated to domestic police agencies. President Obama expanded this programme with the motto “From Warfighter to Crimefighter”, and added $2 billion to the War on Drugs, the largest budget increase in its history. In 2012, I had joined thousands of my fellow New Yorkers in a silent march to then mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Fifth Avenue townhouse to protest his “Stop and Frisk” policy, wherein nearly one million black and Latino citizens were illegally detained and harassed by the police, who were under pressure to meet quotas for detainees. Mr Bloomberg was then sued for violations of civil rights and the court ruled in favour of the plaintiffs. But today’s civil unrest is aggravated by infiltration from a number of extremist organisations, and the economic crisis caused by the pandemic from China -- the Wuhan Virus. New York City, now in its third month of the Covid-19 lockdown, is under a strict 8 pm curfew after riots and looting had rocked the city. Civic leaders are frustrated with mayor Bill DeBlasio for continually extending the lockdown. “This has gone on for too long”, said a restauranteur who operates several bistros in Manhattan. “Last month New York flattened the curve for the pandemic, but we keep being told that we can’t reopen. Family businesses are dying while big box stores are allowed to stay open. It’s not fair and it’s killing our city,” he added. A retired police officer said: “We live every day with varying degrees of risk, physical and mental. We mobilised New York City to contain the risk of Covid-19, but if we don’t lift the lockdown soon we risk anarchy, which could be far worse.” Local organisers say that anarchist groups such as Communist USA and Antifa arrived at the protests equipped with scouts, communications teams and vans filled with rocks and accelerants. Videos show ordinary protesters refusing to accept bricks and bottles from strangers and denouncing the use of violence. Trevor Loudon, a contributor to The Epoch Times, said: “If the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis hadn’t sparked these riots, the next one would have. People need to understand that there are hundreds of foreign-trained agitators and organisers operating in this country, and also tens of thousands more disciplined Communists.” China’s state television is repeatedly showing images of America in chaos in heavy rotation, exploiting the crisis to justify the Chinese government’s assault on Hong Kong; and a Chinese Communist Party spokesman even went to the extent of blaming the brave protesters in Hong Kong of inflaming the riots in the United States. For the first time in 31 years since the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, the people of Hong Kong were denied permission to commemorate the martyrs of June 4, but tens of thousands gathered anyway for a vigil at Victoria Park, defying orders from Beijing’s overlord Xi Jingping. This was barely noted in the American media, which takes significant ad money from the Chinese Communist Party and parrots the CCP’s propaganda, with no shame. In the United States, we can openly discuss our crimes, we can report on our tribulations, killer cops can be charged with murder, we can vote, we can protest, freedoms that should never be taken for granted. In China, there are no elections, no free press, and to criticise the Communist Party is a crime punishable by death. China has for years declared that it intends to replace the United States as a global hegemon, with its policy of “unrestricted warfare”. If China’s role in inciting the violence in America’s cities continues, the elites who have aided and abetted Communist China’s rise will soon be compelled to answer this question: “Which side are you really on?” |
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2019: | 这图够明白了吧。哇哈哈。快点回北京自 | |
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