2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-8(2017年鄉村娛樂籃球隊第八場比賽) |
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年06月11日07:27:13 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話 |
2017-02-20 【Aiden in English】 Right now, our team has only taken one loss. It was quite a big loss as well, getting somewhat routed through four quarters. However, there was one point in that game where we had momentum. Our team went on a 10-2 or so run, which was surprising, and it put us only down by one. Unfortunately, we still ended up losing that game, but it was closer than it seemed. Just going to say it now. We lost our second game today. I don’t feel that bad, even if I played absolutely terrible or the team couldn’t make a single three-pointer. In other words, today wasn’t a good day. The game started off for both sides having four consecutive turnovers. That never feels good. In fact, I’m pretty sure I had more turnovers than points, which is quite depressing, even for such a bad player like I am. Yet the game was close for the most part. Both teams traded the lead, keeping within two possessions in the entire game. But our team felt as if we were better. I somewhat agreed to that statement. Because the opposing team had a single star player, I think that our depth was much better. When their star forward was off the floor, I thought we could easily build a lead. It turns out that the scores pretty much climbed up side by side. No team could seize control over the other, and no side was dominant. Once again, we used a zone press and somehow managed to scrape together a few steals. These steals gave us a slight lead in the third quarter, but a few threes by the other team put them right back on top. Approaching crunch time, this is where effort decides games. Whoever wants to win the most will win. And it looks like, today wasn’t us. The opposing team slowly stretched the lead, one possession at a time. From an easy bucket of turnover to a long time-wasting play, the lead ballooned to nine. Finally, our coach put on the floor the best three-point shooters and rebounders, which included me, and said pretty much to only shoot threes. With desperation growing, I kind of understood this game was a lost cause. What I do think was worthwhile in this loss was the last quarter struggle. But with this loss, it knocked us out of first place in the league, which sucked a lot. Still, the feeling of the fire of competition burning in your lungs at the final stretch of a close game was irreplaceable. At least we weren’t like some game, which ended up being a 1-point game. 【紅霞譯文】 截至到目前為止,我隊僅輸過一場球,而且輸得慘不忍睹,好像整個四節比賽始終處於被動狀態,不過我們一度打出一個10比2的小高潮,出人意料地將比分追回到僅有一分之差,可惜最後未能扭轉落後局面,只不過把分差縮小了一點而已。 話說今天這場比賽,我隊再度失利,不僅本人打得絕對有失水準,而且其他所有隊員也未能投中一個三分球,所以我並沒有那麼沮喪。 換句話說,今天不是什麼好日子。比賽剛開始,雙方便連續四次出現失誤,如此開場真夠晦氣的,而我丟的球確實比掙的分要多得多,儘管本人功底薄球藝差,但難免情緒失落。比賽尚未過半,兩隊你爭我奪,整場比賽雙方差距始終保持在兩個球以內,不過咱哥們自我感覺良好。 我也有點一瓶子不滿半瓶子晃蕩,畢竟對方依靠單個球星獨當一面;相形之下,我隊戰術更加全面,大可趁這位前鋒場下休息之際,痛痛快快地涮他們一把。 場上比分交替上升,彼此勢均力敵,誰都無法牽制住對方,我們再度使用區域緊逼戰術並成功斷過幾次球。第三節中,正是憑藉斷球打法,我們得以暫時領先,但是對方接連投進了幾個三分球,重又回到霸主地位。 比賽進入緊要關頭,勝負輸贏取決於臨場發揮,只有頑強拼搏才能取得最終勝利,看來今天我隊無緣問鼎,面對他們穩紮穩打,一個球一個球地贏,從斷球投籃到採用拖延戰術,比分逐漸被拉開九分之多。終場前,教練急中生智,讓三分球手和籃板手(包括我在內)統統出動,並下令盡全力投三分球。 隨着絕望不斷加劇,我漸漸悟出這場球失敗的根源,覺得最後一節無力扭轉乾坤情有可原。正因為輸掉這場比賽,我隊名次慘遭影響,被擠下全聯賽第一寶座,簡直太無情了。然而,經過白熱化激烈較量,大家在傾盡洪荒之力後所收穫的切身感受是任何東西無法替代的。 幸好這場輸贏不像有的比賽僅有一分之差。 Today in History(歷史上的今天): 2016 MathCounts Regional Competition(2016年初中數學分區賽) Crosslinks(相關博文): 2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-5(2017年鄉村娛樂籃球隊第五場比賽) 2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-3(2017年鄉村娛樂籃球第三場比賽) |
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